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anyhow, here is chapter three, greif



I can't believe my eyes. It can't be him. Why here, why now. Was it him? I walk over to the body and suddenly it gasps "WHAT?!" I hear Natsu yell when he notices the body beginning to sit up right. It was him. Karson, Karson yuki. My high-school love. I begin to wonder if he remembers me. But I don't know what Natsu and I are. Would this change things for
Him and I? "How is this possible" I whisper
Natsu must have heard me because he
Responded with "What possible?" I
began to make up an excuse "How is
he still alive?!" I said with a confused voice
while pointing at the fatal injuries all
Over the body. In that instant I remember
the little girl sitting on the rock. I ran
to her side, almost feeling her shock go
through me as I talk to her. Her name
Is kama-chan. A thirteen year old girl.
I can remember that age. Very clearly,


I'm honestly creeped out by this guy, he
Seems to be some sort of life God if he
Can survive hits like that. I chuckle softly
to myself, noticing Lucy crying and holding
The little girl tightly. I wondered what made
Her feel so responsible for this child. But I
admire her for it. She seems so good with
kids. "Aghhhh" I hear the body groan and I jump up in confusion. This guy seems
Different. He seems, shady. He seems
Like trouble, but not for me. For Lucy. "Well, what now?" Lucy asks me. I have no
ready reply. "I have no idea. Maybe we
should take them with us to find
the town, drop them off at a local
doctors office." I said, trying to sound
like I knew what I was doing. Which
in all reality, I had no idea what was
going on. Lucy nodded in agreement.


"OPEN, GATE OF THE CLOCK!" I summoned the best form of transportation that I
had at my disposal. And in this case, it
was a talking, walking, clock. But it will
have to do. Natsu lifts the Karson into
the clock, while I place Kama-chan on
my back, so she didn't have to walk. With
that, we continued our journey. It was silent
for a while but then Natsu spoke. "hey Lucy, do you know this guy? Or this little girl?" He asked very curiously. "Umm yeah" I stammered. "This guy went to my high school
I'm pretty sure." I said trying to sound
Nonchalant. "is he trouble?" He asked more concerned that curious this time. "Nope!
he was always fine in school, didn't
really know him that well."  Then we
fell into dead silence once again.


After walking about 30 miles, we came
to a village. Lucy and I both sighed in
Relief. "We can finally get them off my back, literally." She said while pointing to the
small girl on her back. I chuckled and pecked
her on the cheek. "So what are we now?" Lucy asked me, and it's funny because I really don't know. I reply "hmm Lucy Heartfillia, my girlfriend, my best friend, my one and only. Yeah, that sounds about right." She turned bright red and said "Natsu Dragneel, my boy friend, my best friend, my one and only, and my protecter. Yeah, I like the sound of that too." Well, I've got what I always wanted, a strong girl who loves who she is. That's Lucy, she's the love of my life. I feel my cheeks burn up. I rush to say "we should probably get them
somewhere now!" Lucy giggled and agreed. This was going to be a great quest.

One And Only حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن