The boys surprise you

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Louis:(age:13): you were in your room you've been missing the other boys don't get me wrong you were happy Louis was home and spending a lot of time with him but you missed the others like mad. There was a knock on your door you said "come in." In walks Harry you gasped and ran to him you hugged him tightly and he walked into your room and the others were behind him you hugged the others and said "I missed you guys so much." They said "we missed you too YN." Then you guys just talked about life and what happened over these past 4 months.

Liam:(age:12): you were looking at old pictures of you and the boys in the livingroom Liam wasn't home you were missing the other boys so much and Liam could tell. Then the front door opened and someone who you knew really well said "a little birdie told me someone was missing me." You shot up and saw Louis you smiled widely and ran over to him and hugged him and then you saw the others and hugged them too you said "gosh I missed you guys so much." They said "we missed you too." Then you guys just talked and hung out with eachother for the rest of the day you were so happy to see them.

Niall:(age:11): you were upset because you missed the boys you loved your brother but you really wanted to see the other boys your were in your room Crying when someone came in but you didn't notice they picked you up and hugged you, you stopped Crying once you notice you were in someone's arms you looked up and saw Liam you smiled and hugged him and said "I missed you."he said "we missed you too." You hugged the others and then snuggled with them the rest of the day you were so happy.

Harry:(age:10): you were refusing to go any where you just wanted to stay in your room your brother aloud you to stay home from school today. You were missing the other boys so much. You just say in your room watching videos of you and them a tear fell down your cheek and it didn't land on your iPad someone wiped it you looked up and saw Niall you smiled and hugged him he picked you up and hugged you and you said "I missed you." He said "we missed you too." You hugged the others and then you guys hung out outside together for the rest of the day.

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