The boys surprise you on christmas

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Louis:(age:16): your were opening presents you got everything you wanted accept one thing that you couldn't buy which was the other boys yes you were thrilled that your brother was home but you haven't seen the other boys in a year and you missed them a lot. Then your brother said "I have one more gift for you but it didn't come yet it should be here soon." Then there was a knock at the door Louis looked at you and said "go open it." You walked over to the door and gasped it was the boys you hugged them and they walked in but you didn't let go of Harry who was the first one you hugged. Then once they came in you hugged the others and said "I missed you guys so much." They said "we missed you too yn." You were so happy they were here.

Liam:(age:15): it was Christmas Eve and you were enjoying the time with your family but you really wished the other boys where there to celebrate with you guys too. There was a knock at the door and Liam smiled at you and said "go answer the door." You went over to the door and opened it it was the boys and their families you gasped and hugged them tightly as Louis and his family walked In first you didn't let go of Louis.Then when they were inside you hugged the others and said "I missed you guys so much." They said "we missed you too yn." You also said "happy birthday Louis." He said "thank you." You said "no problem." Then you spent the rest of the night watching Christmas movies you were so happy they were here.

Niall:(age:14): it was early in the morning only you and Niall were up the rest of your family wasn't up yet. Niall knew you wanted the boys here because you missed them. You heard a knock at the door Niall smiled and said "go open this is your first gift from me." You Opened the door and gasped when you saw the boys and their families. You hugged Liam first and didn't let go of him until he walked in then you hugged the others once they walked in you said "I missed you guys so much." They said "we missed you too yn."Then once the rest of your family was up you guys open present and just hung out the whole day you were so happy the boys were there to celebrate with you.

Harry:(age:13):you had opened all your gift then Harry said "I have one more gift for you I know you've been missing the boys so go to the door." You went to the door and opened it and saw no one there you said "no ones there." Then Harry said "turn around." You turned around and saw Niall and the boys you gasped and hugged Niall first then the others and their families were also with them. You said "I missed you guys so much." They said "we missed you too." You guys just hung out and talked and drunk got cocoa you were so happy they were here to celebrate with you and your family and of course you were happy their families were there too.

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