Personal for Ali

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Ali's POV
I was home alone once again because Harry took Meg my twin out and didn't bring me with him. He liked her better even know she per evil every chance she gets she tortures me. They arrived home and Harry had to go out again he hug Meg good bye and said bye to me I rolled my eyes, then Meg said "oh looks like someone isn't loved once again." I said "it's all because of you." She laughed her evil laugh and said "okay blame it all on me just because Harry likes me the best and not you." I said "he loves us both equally." She laughed and then went up to our shared room I sighed maybe she was right. Harry came home he saw me and said "hey what's up?" I didn't say anything he said "what's wrong?" I said "nothing you wouldn't even care you only care about Meg." He said "that's not true I love you too." I said "that's bull all you do is spend time with Meg and never with me you get her everything she wants but not me!!!!" He said "okay maybe she is my favorite because she actually comes over to me and says hi to me when I get home from tour!!" I said "I do to but she Hong's you!!!" He said "I'm sorry I'll try and spend time with you too and won't spend as much time with Meg." I said "I'm sorry too for yelling at you." We hugged and of course Meg had to come down and say "awe she's finally getting love." Harry said "that isn't nice to say Meg." She said "what I'm just saying the truth." Harry said "Meg go to your room." She went to her room and stayed up there the rest of the night and he rest of the night me and Harry spent time together.

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