Stronger Than Most: Part 1

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Korra ducked under the strong man's hook, preparing for a counterattack. No use. He sent a sidekick to her stomach, and Korra fell back. She stayed down, cringing, and clutching her stomach. A new bruise, and maybe even a broken rib or two. "Get up, Weakling," the man said.

Korra looked up to her father, tears evident in her eyes. She got up, wobbling. "Sorry sir," she apologized.

"This is why I wanted a son," her father growled. Korra stayed quiet. Arguing would get her in more trouble. Sighing, Tonraq grabbed Korra's throat. "Get to your room, b*tch," he snarled, throwing aside her head violently.

Korra retreated, going to her 'room'. And by room, she had a blanket, a few boxes which held her clothes, and a room itself, which was painted blue. That's it. No bed. And no air conditioning. She walked through her door, the cold air hitting her. She sat on the blanket, which was set on the ground, looking at Naga, her dog. "Hey," she said to Naga, rubbing her neck. Naga looked up, nudging her nose against Korra's stomach. Korra winced when it made contact. Naga whined. "It's okay. It's only a kick this time... Luckily," she murmured the last part. Then her phone buzzed. One of the few presents she had. Getting up, Korra walked over to her boxes where her phone lay. It was Asami.

Asami: Hey, what's going on?

Korra: Just chilling, why?

Asami: Wanna hang? I'm free!

Korra: I'll ask my dad, one min.

Korra prepped herself up, and opened her bedroom door. "Hey dad?! Can I hang out with Asami? Just for a little?"

She heard stomping across her house, then saw her father come around the corner. "Sleep over. No food for tonight, but have a little, if any, tomorrow," he commanded.

"Yes si-"

"And Korra," he interrupted. He grabbed Korra's shoulder. "Have fun," he smirked, tightening his grip on her shoulder, and sending a strong punch to Korra's already bruised stomach.

Korra screamed as his fist made contact, and screamed louder as she felt her shoulder pop. "Y-yes s-sir," Korra choked out, almost falling to her knees. Tonraq let go, shoving her against the door to her room. She opened the door, slipping and nearly falling inside. She fell to her knees, the door shutting behind her. Heavy steps told Korra that her father went back to his room. She glanced at her phone, noticing a new message.

Asami: Kay.

Korra: I can come. You gonna pick me up?

Asami: As always. Be there in a few.

Korra: I'll be waiting.

Korra wobbled to her feet, using the wall to balance herself. Naga looked at her, worried. "I-it's okay, g-girl," Korra stuttered.

She walked out of her house after checking her shoulder, already knowing about what happened to her stomach. Broken ribs, bruising. She held her arm up, then lowered it so it was in front of her. She winced once she moved it. Oh well.

Waiting for Asami didn't last long, and she came almost immediately. Pain shot through Korra's arm as she reached for the door of the passengers side, and more pain came when she opened it. Asami noticed the small cringe she made when she moved, and decided on talking to Korra about it later. She was buckled in the passenger seat when Korra remembered something. "My dad says we can have a sleepover, but I forgot to bring clo-"

"It's okay," came Asami's smooth voice," I always have clothes to sleep in." Asami remembered something, too. Korra had never slept over at her place. A growling sound interrupted the girls thoughts. Asami looked to Korra, and then to her stomach.

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