Keeping Calm: Part 2

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Korra's feet carried her to her school, her backpack thumping against her back with each step. Having been an athlete for most of her life, running was relatively easy for her. She was no longer breathless after a few miles, and her legs didn't ache by the time she had to stop. She was early to the school like always, and had actually slowed her pace to walk once she reached the actual property that the school sat on. You could tell when the property started by the freshly grown and trimmed grass, and the way that it contrasted against the either overgrown or dead grass of the various neighboring properties.

After crossing the lot that the busses parked in to drop off and pick up students, Korra made her way to that one part of the school that you could just hang out in, with tables and benches and even a plant or two. She sat down at her usual table and laid back in a booth, her backpack on the ground and her phone in her hand. She scrolled mindlessly through social media, every so often sending a link of something to one of her friends.

Friends... it was a new concept, in a way. It was odd to have friends that she can see almost every day of the week, and be able to do so for more than a year.

Speaking of, Korra's eyes lifted as she saw the general shape of a person standing in front of her, in front of the booth. It was Bolin! As much as school confused him sometimes, Bolin was always sure to be early to school and hang out with Korra so she wasn't lonely. It was appreciated.

"Hey!" Bolin wore his signature leather jacket, the brown of which managed to make his green eyes pop.

Korra grinned once she recognized him, and briefly looked around to see if his brother was anywhere. "Hey! How's buying Pabu a new cage going?"

"Good, good..."

Korra noticed the way that Bolin glanced away as he spoke, and her brows furrowed slightly. "You haven't gotten him a new cage, yet..."

"No, no, no, listen!" Bolin started. He then paused in place, as if realizing something. "No. I haven't gotten him a new cage, yet..."

Korra began to nod, opening her mouth to speak some very wise words, "I've been telling you for how long now...?"

"It wasn't my fault this time! We had a new neighbor move in and we were hanging out with her most of the weekend!"

"A neighbor? Hanging out...?" Korra wriggled her eyes at Bolin suggestively, smiling.

"Eh, she's not really my type," Bolin shrugged. "But she's definitely Mako's type, they've been texting practically nonstop," he said casually, sitting down finally at the booth.

"Really? How many girlfriends has he had since we've met...?"

"Before or after you?"

Korra laughed sharply, leaning back in her seat. "Both."

"Before is maybe three or four, after... two?"

Korra snorted, shaking her head. "That guy could make a girlfriend out of a broom handle and a wig," she said, smiling to herself. "He's such a good friend, and such a shit boyfriend," she muttered.

A new voice then spoke, just next to the table.

"Who are we talking about, now?"

Korra and Bolin both glanced up to see Mako, standing there with somebody standing behind him. He had his arms crossed and a slightly confused look on his face. "Oh," Korra started, waving Mako off, "just some guy we all know..."

Mako furrowed his brows briefly while looking at them, then turned his body slightly and slung his arm around the waist of a girl around their age. He gently nudged her forwards, motioning to her. "Guys, this is Asami. She just moved in next to our house, and we've been hanging out over the weekend. I figured she could join our crew."

Korra didn't speak for a while, her eyes on Asami. She had dark hair, pale skin, and striking green eyes. They were a different shade than Bolin's, and a different form of bright, but they fascinated Korra to no end. "I'm Korra," she introduced herself eventually, reaching her hand out to Asami. "I think Bolin mentioned that you've already met," she said, her mind doing backflips as Asami's hand grasped hers in a handshake. Her hand was soft but had so many random callouses, none of them from any specific sport that Korra could think of.

"I work in my dad's garage when I can," Asami finally spoke, and Korra could feel her brain shutting off. "I've fixed engines, built a car or two," she started, then smiled. Korra's brain had officially blue-screened.

"I-I don't even have a car," she spoke, then chuckled, finally releasing Asami's hand. 'Stupid, stupid, stupid,' she thought to herself. 'I dOn'T eVeN hAvE a CaR,' she mimicked herself internally, leaning back in the booth again.

Mako sat next to Bolin, and Asami took the only seat left, which was next to Korra. Bolin seemed to notice the way Korra's train of thought had derailed, because he stared at her for a few seconds before smiling very slowly. "Korra's family moves around a lot, so they've only got one car to take care of," Bolin spoke for her, and a new string of curse words were instantly appearing in Korra's head for him.

Asami turned to look to Korra, her face lighting up. "Have you ever driven before?"

After a few seconds of rebooting, Korra nodded a bit. "Uh-uh yeah! Only once or twice, though," she spoke, stuttering over her words.

"I think it's smart to only have a car or two," Asami started, turning her entire body to face Korra. "I mean, less to really take care of, but that also means that if it's out of order, then it's hard to get around," she said.

Korra nodded, glancing down to the booth to keep herself from blushing. "Yeah, it's happened a couple times," she chuckled, glancing up only briefly to catch Asami's smile. 'Oh, what the fuck am I talking about...? Cars? I don't know jack about cars...'

The bell rang, then, and Mako got up so Bolin could get out. Asami followed their lead, and Korra was left sitting at the edge of the booth after scooting over.

"We're gonna head to our home room, see you in gym," Mako spoke, motioning in the general direction of the room.

"See you then," Korra nodded, standing. She watched Mako and Asami leave towards the room, Mako making small talk as they walked away.

Bolin stood next to Korra, a small smile slowly appearing on his face. "Oh, you like her..."

"Shut up, Bolin."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14 ⏰

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