No.2 Negativity won't stop me

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Well hello again, dear reader. I've missed you. Ha! what am I thinking? Of course you're here because you wanna see me fail right? that's what the description of the story is about. Babe, you will see. You might feel good about yourself when you 'read' me failing my whole entire life. But enough about the near end let's continue with my story.

So after class I meet up with my peasant Bethany who was waiting for me at the park beside school because she texted me something about the bf of Katrine so I was like, "Ah~ yes my new target" she I approached her and she pulled me with her sweaty hand, I pushed her hand away and clean my arm with my face tissue. "Don't ever grab me again" I pointed at her. She backed off and texted something on her phone and showed me 'Let's go somewhere we can't be seen by anyone...'

I nodded and followed her.

We stopped at this ugly part of the neighborhood with dead trees and a lot of garbage, I cover my nose with my handkerchief to block out that weird burned smell. She points at a alleyway between the brick buildings. Where in the hell are we? are we actually in hell? OMG. "Why are we here? we can go to your house for effs sake!" I stomped my feet. She looked at me realizing that she was wrong. Ha stupid Bethany.

"Oh, yeah I never thought of that... Anyway I tried to make friends with Katrine in History class but she doesn't trust me. She keeps on asking if I was assigned to be friends with her by you.."

I tapped my finger on my purse, angrily. "So? did you say the truth or not? cause if you say that you we're really assigned to it will be a game over will it???" I silent yelled at her. She shakes her head in fear. "No! I would never do that..." I raised my eyebrow at her. "What did you say girl?!" I rolled my eyes at her.

"I said that I was fed up on being your assistant and I just wanted a friend."

"Then?" I crossed my hands.

"Well she smiled and said Good luck cause you'll need it." she shrugged and looked at me. God if I only can wear cheap ass clothes I'll be doing it myself. Wait a minute... I'll try to be friends with Katrine and steal her boyfriend! haha! wait that a bad idea I don't want to be hanging out with gals like her. they will make my reputation fall like a rock. No I need to talk to her bf ALONE.

I turned around and walked away. "Wait!" Bethany called out. "Don't worry, I have my own plan you can have a day off bye." I left her there at the alley way Haha she can find her way back.


Day 3 I found out his name by the jocks. His name is Connor. I asked for his phone number but they don't have it. psh thanks for the little info jerks! So I walked to the Admin office to ask for the phone number. I pushed out the doors and walked to the front desk. "Connor's phone number please Ma'am Gertrude." I flutter my eyelashes at her. She looked at me in suspicion. "What boy you want to steal this time Caryl?" I placed my hand on my chest looking shocked "My days Ma'am Gertrude! I wouldn't do that anymore cause it's my last year better spend it like a normal high-school gal!" I smiled. Ma'am Gertrude wasn't amused but she typed the name Connor in her computer and looked at me. "Connor--- What?" I don't particularly know his last name. "Uhm, I don't know his last name.." I bit my lip. "What's the reason you're asking for this student's phone number Caryl?" I thought fast I'll just say it's for a group project in history and I forgot his contact number yes! that's it. "It's for our history group project, I forgot to ask his phone number because he just left when class ended so... can I have a look?" She raised an eyebrow at me. "Really? are you the leader of this- history project?" I felt a drop of sweat sliding on the side of my head. "N-- I mean yes. yes I am." She smirked. "Well can you tell me how many students are in your group and what are their names." She is giving me such a headache but I remember some of my classmates name. "Leader, me.. uhm group mates are: Connor, Trish, Mikey, Donna and Kyle." I raised my chin up to show her I didn't 'lie' haha yay me. "well.. well well." she tap her finger on the mouse. "Are you really in History class Caryl? History 128? Mrs. Gertrude class? I have a student named Connor but not Caryl, you're smart but not that smart."

Oh shit. wait she teaches?! what the hell?? why wasn't I informed about this? She teaches now? but she doesn't look like a teacher she looks like a hag with no life and who always sits behind the front desk counter on her days of her life! that's impossible!!

I looked at her in disbelief and walked out of the Admin office. "Have a great day Ms. Liar." I stop for a while and continued walking. I brought out my phone and texted Bethany.

Caryl: What the hell Bethany! you didn't tell me Connor was in Mrs. Gertrude's class!!

Bethany: I didn't know. I wasn't informed.

Caryl: Great. Just great! now Mrs. Gertrude knows I'm up to something again! go search for Connor and make sure he's alone!

Bethany: Wait, whose Connor?

Caryl: Ugh! the bf of Katrine!!

Bethany: On it.. but.. am I on a day off?

Caryl: you won't be having a day off anymore now GO, omfg -.-

Bethany: Okay. I'm sorry. I'll update you when I see him.

Seriously do I have to do everything myself?


Class ends and I checked my phone for messages. 1 Notification: Bethany

"Oh great did she find him or what?" I murmured to myself. I unlocked my phone. 'He's alone right now looking sad I'm going to talk to him. At the park.' when I saw the text message I went on running. Of course I was running because I don't want stinky Bethany to touch Connor. ugh need to decontaminate him later when I meet him.

I ran towards the park and there he sits on the swing set looking so sad. Aw, my baby. I walked towards him and Bethany is one of the benches pointing at Connor. I sat beside him "Hey, what's wrong?" he didn't answer. ugh this guy is HTG, It means Hard to get, to people who didn't understand. I touched his shoulder waiting to get a response. He looked at me. "What do you want?" I removed my hand from his shoulder, cause I don't want him to be annoyed at me. The goal is to let him fall in love with me in a short period of time. I looked at Bethany to buzz off cause I wanted to be alone with Connor.

"It's my first time to see a guy who looks sad" I smiled. He smirked and returned to a dull face again. "Do you want to be alone?" I asked. That's my power move it works with everyone. "No, stay... if you like.  *coughs*" OMG he's so cute ahh! "So do you want to talk about it?" I asked in a concerned tone. remember Fall in love in a short period of time!

He looked at me "There's this girl, we broke up because... of you." I was shocked I clenched my hand on the rope of the swing. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well... Katrine my ex. said that we should break up because you ruined her life and she can't concentrate on being with me because she's too focused on you protecting me. as if I can't reject you. You're not the person I fall in love. I did check on you when you entered the library you're hot but not my type" I don't know if I was blushing or ashamed. Well, the mission is over with Connor my first failure tbh. I have never seen a guy so loyal to his girl. well some guys are like that, but I feel so mad cause he has feelings for Katrine. Why am I so concerned about this boy? all the efforts I wasted just to make him fall in love with me, it's not worth it anymore. I stood up from the swing and stand in front of him. "Go and say that I don't like you anyway. and bring her back to your dull life." I sighed and I grabbed his phone from his hands, opened his messenger and recorded myself "Hey Katrine you slut, I don't even like your bf I'm just playing with yah be grateful that I'm being a saint to your sorry ass." I tap send to Katrine the sore loser. I threw the cellphone to Connor who was amazed on what I did. I raised an eyebrow at him "Well what are you waiting for? go get her loser." I walked away and he suddenly hugged me. "Thank you so much." He smells like manly cologne, I love it. I blushed but I kept my bitch face on. "Whatever." I turned away and went straight to a cafe.

End of this adventure, being a saint for all peasants and all. see you again next time my pretty readers did I say pretty I meant normal looking readers.. HAHA just kidding, God you are easily offended huh? xoxo

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