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Ch. 1

It was behind me. Chasing me. I could feel the danger surrounding me just as vivid as I could feel my pulse jumping in my veins.

My legs pumped continuously in a desperate sprint. I needed to get away. My ears were entirely aware of the pounding footsteps behind me, my nose completely filled with the taunting scent of death and evil that they brought.

The moon looked down on me, full and daunting. Smoke hung thick in the air, rising slowly from a burning building in the distance. The scene was eerie, silent but chaotic.

My bare feet smacked against the sharp, merciless ground. Bits of glass and rocks sliced into my flesh, leaving behind a trail of blood. Determination or perhaps desperation kept me running and uncaring of the pain. My gaze caught hold of a narrow, green sign hanging off a small pub corner. It swung slightly in the wind, informing me of the pub name; Hide-Away Hollow. I dashed past it and sprinted around the building into a thin, alleyway.

Not thinking to turn back, I flung myself further in and raced towards the opening I could barely see on the other side.

Before I managed to get to the end, three bodies stepped out of the shadows and blocked the view of the opening. I jolted to a stop, my legs freezing in place.

The three people were obviously male, tall and buff. My breathes hardened as the began to approach me. I attempted to spin my body around and retreat back the way I came from but the front man's hand wrapped itself around my arm before I could do so.

He was strong and yanked me to a stop. Panic flooded through my system and the feel of death and evil from before seemed more vivid than ever. I wanted to scream and beg for him to let me go before the thing caught me yet someone kept me from speaking.

My fearful gaze lifted to his shadowed face. The only features I could see clearly was his vivid violet eyes and curling grin. Goosebumps erupted across my skin at the sinister smirk and suddenly I was far more terrified of the men in front of me than the beast behind me.

My heart was in my throat as he opened his mouth to speak. Fangs jutted out from under his lips and glinted threateningly in the cold, moonlight.

"Found you." He whispered right before he moved his head faster than my eyes could keep up and sunk his fangs directly into my neck.

My eyes flew open and I flung upright into a sitting position, hand latched around my throat like a lifeline. A dream. It was a dream.

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