This is just the start

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-----------------------One Week later---------------------------------------------

I hadn’t talked to Haz for a week and I really missed him, but today I was going back. “Haz I’m back” I walked in the door and dropped my bags, “Hi Char” he came running in from the kitchen and greeted me with a massive hug. “My god Harry I’ve missed you so much” I pulled out of the hug “Same here”

I walked up towards my room to put my bag there when I spotted something, I don’t really take that much of the walls, but this caught my eye. It was a massive pic of me and Harry plastered on the wall with the writing ‘Friends 4ever x’ “HARRY!!!” I shouted running straight into the kitchen. “Yeah” he turned round with his cheeky grin on his face “I love it, it’s amazing” I gave him the biggest hug and a small kiss on the cheek.

“I’m glad you like it, when you were gone the apartment felt empty. I guess you didn’t get to see your room.” I legged it up to my room the wall that I had started to put photo’s on was now covered in photos of everything, party’s, dances, drunk times and a lot of me and Harry. This was amazing “Harry its lovely, thank you” he carried on making dinner for the two of us, I wanted to take a look at his room see if he had done anything to it. Yeah he had he put a long pic of a group of us on the top bit of his wall and then the rest was me and Haz and a few of his family. I took a seat on his bed and something fell out it was a pic of me and Harry kissing this one time when we where all a little drunk, he had kept it but why?

“Hey Char, thought I might find you in here. Like what I did around the house?” I nodded trying to hide the pic that had fallen from his pillow. “Char you alright, what you got in your hand?” I hid it behind my back and tried playing innocent

“Nothing Haz” he smiled at me “Tickle time?” jumping onto the bed he started tickling me. “Haz stop!” He took the picture out my hands and looked at it. “Why, did you keep it?” His glare rose off the pic and to me. “Why, well because that’s when we use to be so close and do everything together.” It all made sense; we did use to do everything together. Us and our group, it was all of us against the world.

“Oh Haz, why can’t everything just go back to normal? Me, You and our old group against the whole world?” He nodded “We can Char we can” It’s true I missed Charry. No we’ve never been out with each other but we always apparently acted like a couple. We stayed on the bed a little longer before Harry left to go and cheek on dinner and I went to my room. I could hear Harry singing from my room.

You see Harry has always loved singing and since he’s been going out at nights he hasn’t sung as much, he's always told me that he only sings when he’s happy maybe that’s what’s missing, maybe he hasn’t been happy.

‘Hey Anne’ Anne was Harry’s mom ‘Oh hey, Charlotte’ we were quite close because of our friendship ‘Anne I was just calling because, well there’s X-factor auditions and I told Harry last year that he should audition but he was to nervous so I think he should do it this year.” I could feel her smiling ‘I have a plan Char, how about I sign him up and then that way he had to go’ I nodded and then realized she couldn’t see me ‘That’s a great idea Anne” I hung up and skipped into Harry. “Is dinner ready yet Hazza?” he shook his head and laughed a bit “No not yet Char, I didn’t have it on and that’s why it wasn’t cooking” I started laughing “Oh Haz your a funny one”

------------------------------------------Two moths later----------------------------------------

“Harry time to get up, we got to go out.” He buried his head in his pillow “What, where do we have to go at this time in the morning? It’s only 5:00am” I kicked him “I’ll tell you later you just need to get up and dressed” Anne submitted his application form and he got an audition. We were going to meet Anne, Rob and Gemma there and I and Haz were going to get a taxi.

“So you going to tell me where were going then?” I turned so I was now facing him “Well your Mum got you an audition for the X-Factor, so that’s where were going” his face was full of shock.

“She what, but I haven’t got the song ready or anything like that” but if we had told him before than he wouldn’t have come. “Harry what about ‘isn’t she lovely’? You’re always going around singing that” a small smile came across his face.

“Yeah I suppose but what if it doesn’t work out then what do I do?” okay admittedly I hadn’t thought off that “You come back and live with me, but I want you to promise one thing if it does work then you won’t forget me will you?” he quickly shook his head “Course not Char you’re my best friend and I would never forget you” We got to the audition line and stood there, I was starting to rethink my decision maybe he was better of just living his life normally. If he became famous then he would move out and forget me.

“Char” “Char” “CHARLOTTE” I snapped out of my daze “Sorry, what’s up?” I looked back at him “What’s wrong with you, you have tears running down your face” Harry wiped the tears of my face, I swear I wasn’t crying. “Harry, I don’t want you to forget me” he pulled me in for a hug. “Char I promised you I won’t” when it finally got to his turn to go on stage he was shaking like a leaf. His voice sounded amazing and the judged were impressed.  He got through the auditions and I was really happy for him, next was boot camp.

Hey guys, college starts on monday ahhh :/

But THIS IS US is amazing I've seen both of them and I love them both. When Liam's dad is talking about how much he misses him yes I did shed a few tears. It was so sweet, and then when they were turning into action hero's on stage omg I died.

But those boys make me so proud of them, there so down to earth and sweet. I never knew that Liam and Louis never got on though when they were at the X-Factor but hey they do now :D thanks for reading lovelies, tell me what you think of the film and what's you think are the best bits xxx <3

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