Chapter One - One Adventure After Another

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 "So then I said, yeast kidding!"

"Come on, son. You didn't kneed to force that one!"

"Rye would you say that?"

Ophelia Blackwater rolled her eyes with a laugh while her mother sighed as her younger brother had a pun war with her father. They were on their way to a tomb that was just opened to the public. Though it had been discovered quite recently, it was deemed safe enough for tour groups. She had just turned 19 and as she was always up for an adventure, her parents and brother took her to Egypt to see the newly unveiled tomb as a birthday present.

It was actually quite busy around the tomb. A few news reporters milled around, talking about the new tomb. The air was dry and the sun glared down at them as sand kicked up from where people walked. All in all, a perfect day to explore some new tomb. As soon as they signed in and roll was called, they were given headlamps and told to stay in a group. With a smile and wave, the guide lead them down. While Ophelia didn't know a lot about the ancient culture, it was pretty fascinating and the guide was quite witty. He made her chuckle with his small quips and comments.

As they drew deeper into the tomb, it was noticeable many of the passageways were blocked off by tape. One of them, though, seemed to have snapped and laid on the sandstone floor as the tour guide paid no heed. He started to get a little giddy at their next stop. "In here we have the very chamber of a mummy! When they discovered the tomb, a few of the workers stumbled upon the body of a dead male, about 5'5 in height. He was laid as if he were a pharaoh despite being inside a wooden casket with barely any markings. The mummy is trying to be identified currently back at the labs."

Ophelia listened with a small smile at the guide's giddiness. He was like a kid in Christmas morning! As they were taking another turn in the maze-like tomb, a rumble shook the ground around them. Pieces of stone began collapsing as people screamed and scattered in fright. Ophelia found herself pushed to the ground. The earth shook once more and a deafening crash echoed through the tomb. Once the dust settled, the teen realized she was alone. Faintly, she could hear nervous chatter from the other side of the rocks.

"Ophelia!?" Her brother shouted her name, the sound muffled by the debri. People began calling names of others, and her brother continuously repeated hers. It was a fruitless task, however, for all was just a cacophony of faint noise to her. Unable to really make out what was being said, Ophelia stood up and dusted herself off. Luckily, her lamp wasn't broken. As she stood before the rocks, a cool air draft came in from behind. Looking around, she noticed the corridor sloped upwards. That combined with the draft convinced her there had to be an opening to the surface. Situating her belt and subconsciously patting the hunting knife she always carried, she began to trek upwards.

She has just reached the top of the slope when the ground beneath her suddenly collapsed. With a yelp, the Scott fell a good twenty five feet. Though she tried to tuck and roll , she hit her head on a protruding rock on the way down. Landing with a thud, her eyes rolled back in her head. And as she slowly drifted into unconsciousness, her headlamp flickered off and her body was swallowed by darkness.

It was absolutely BLAZING. Ra beat down harshly on the Egyptians who worked or milled around the village market. A rather well hooded figure weaved through them, head kept down. The cloak fluttered behind it as the figure walked absentmindedly, lost in his thoughts as he walked about the village - or city, really - of Memphis.

The figure sighed and slowed, knowing he would have to return soon. His father needed his companionship to accompany him to a few of the temples. Rumors of tomb robbers had been spreading and a few of the priests have been becoming concerned. "Shit..." The figure muttered in a deep voice. He was getting too old to be sneaking out as he turned in his tattered cloak. He figured he could meet his father there, wearing his needed clothing under the hooded scraps of cloth. Making his way out of Memphis, weaving through people and guards and trying not to trip over a few of the children or the small lambs that frolicked about, he made his way towards the temple he was supposed to have checked.

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