Chapter four - Repercussions of a Storm

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The next morning, Atem was the first to wake up, Ophelia still asleep as she held him to her. The prince looked at her and managed a small smile. He didn't move, wanting to stay in the moment as long as he could. Her breathing was slow and warm, fanning against his bare skin. Her strong arms held him tightly and protectively, just as when they caught the falling rock. Even when completely relaxed, her toned muscles were impossible not to notice.

Atem sighed softly, wondering how it would be if he were to marry her instead of Anzu. He thought of how she was with Moku and began to wonder how she was with other kids. His cheeks began to burn as he realized she'd make a good mother, which led to quite a few images he buried deep into his mind as he looked away. She moved a bit in her sleep, one of her legs brushing against his groin as she nuzzled closer to him.

The blush darkened once more and he bit back a quiet moan. He shifted a little, gently trying to move her arms away. He couldn't be near her any longer. What he might end up doing may he regret later on and ruin his chances with winning Ophelia's heart. Wait... Win her heart? Did he just think that? Atem blinked, surprised at himself. Did he... love her? She awoke at his movements. Yawning sleepily, she sat up. Her hair was a mess and she lazily arched her back to stretch, unknowingly showing more cleavage as she did. Atem moved away from her, controlling his blush.


"Mornin'," she said tiredly, her voice low and raw as she had just woken up. He smiled and stood, stretching as well. She took her hair down and raked her fingers through her red tresses. "We should get going soon. Don't want you out here any longer than you need to be," she said, standing up.

"You sound like my personal bodyguard." Atem laughed as he walked to the horses. She snorted.

"Maybe I should be," she winked as she tied up her hair. He rolled his eyes as he got the two mares ready.

"Come on. My father must be having a cow right now." She laughed and rolled over the cooling coals.

"Let's get you home." She hopped on her own horse and then headed back to the palace. He followed behind her on his own mare, thinking about last night and that morning. As they rode, she recanted the tale of when she had to stay in a tree for three days and two nights because it had stormed the entire time. However, the young prince was only half listening too caught up in his thoughts. He merely gave her a hum of agreement on a few parts, wondering how life would be with Ophelia...

"There was one time when this young girl wanted to join me, but in the end I convinced her to stay with her family. She was all her parents had left and she was just so young, only ten years old... That's way too young to face the worst the world has to offer. Childhood should be fun and exciting, not filled with fear you may not survive. Had she been older, I don't know... maybe 16 or so, I may have considered it." That grabbed his attention.

"16? Would you... Had I not been a prince, would you have considered letting me travel with you?" She glanced at him thoughtfully before ginning.

"Maybe... though you'd have to brush up on your survival skills. I couldn't be saving your sweet ass every day!" She threw back her head in laughter.

"... Sweet ass....?" he blinked at her with a confused blush. She didn't hear him, still chuckling.

"Oh, I'm just trying to imagine you with me in some of the scenarios I've been in..." Atem sighed but smiled. As they neared the palace, the prince frowned as the two were forced to stop by the guards.

"Prince! You're alive!" one said as the others surrounded Ophelia.

"What's going on?"

"The pharaoh has placed an arrest on the lady. He was told she had kidnapped you out in the storm. We're surprised you're alive and well!"

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