Chapter Three - Haven in Chaos

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The third day of Ophelia's stay, she had woken up early. It was quiet save for a few of the servants beginning to work. Ra had barely begun to rise, just the top of Him breaking the horizon line. When the survivalist awoke, a young servant had just opened the door to her room. "O-Oh! S-sorry if I woke you, My Lady..." Ophelia yawned and shook her head.

"Not at all." She sat up and rubbed her eyes. "What time is it?"

"Hm... It's barely sunrise." He managed a weak smile. The servant looked similar to the Prince though considerably shorter and replace the crimson colors with amethyst. He walked over towards her, putting down a plate of food. "I was told to inform you that Master Moku is awake. He wants to see you when you can." She smiled and stood up.

"We'll then, let's go." She smiled and stood up.

"We'll then, let's go." She laughed.

"Food can wait." Her stomach growled pointedly, but she paid no heed. "Lead the way." The servant gave her an odd expression before nodding. He led her to Moku's and Set's room, stopping and opening the door. Moku was in his bed, wrapped in blankets. He had his eyes closed but was sitting up, snuggled tightly into the many layers of cloth to keep himself warm. Ophelia walked up to the bed with a soft smile.

"Hey honey," she said gently. The young boy opened his eyes.

"Ophelia!" He grinned happily. She laughed heartily, sitting in the edge of the bed.

"How are you feeling?"

"Good... thanks for saving me..."

"No problem, tiger," she laughed with a wink. Moku giggled.

"You're up early, too."

"Usually am. Rise with the sun, my mother always said. Then again, she also said sleep with the sun, but I rarely do that. The night's too much fun." The small child laughed again.

"You're strange." She laughed and nodded.

"That I am."

"Thanks for checking up on me..." He smiled at her before noticing the servant. "Oh, hey Heba!" The servant waved shyly and smiled.

"Of course, honey," she said, ruffling his hair.

"Now will you eat?" Heba joked, smiling at the two with the feeling of loneliness creeping in on him. Her stomach growled angrily and she chuckled.

"I probably should, shouldn't I?" Moku nodded.

"You should. Bye, Ophelia!" She stood up and nodded farewell.

"Bye, Moku." Heba chuckled a little and led Ophelia back to her room where he had left the food. She picked up a piece of bread and glanced out the window, pondering where she'll go next after Egypt.

"I'll take my leave... Everyone should be waking soon," Heba smiled and waved before he left, needing to attend to his other, many chores. She gave him a small smile.

"Alright. I'll see you around, yeah?"

"I guess," he chuckled and disappeared. Ophelia finished her meal and stood up. Now wide awake, she headed over to the window to watch the sunrise. Ra was slow and begin to brighten the land little by little. The town below began to slowly awaken and people began to move about, getting ready for the day. She watched as the creatures of the desert began to walk around. She could see the river from her window, admiring the way the sun's light reflected on the water.

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