Chapter 18 - Truth or Dare then some Hunger Deans

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Meeh I was lazyish today cause all my thinkin juices are running out.


Jason's POV

My date with Musical just ended.We were walking to the beach when someone call out my name.I turned around and saw something that made me turn pale.

"DAWN?!"Musical and I screamed.

"What are you doing with this mess"She said taking a step closer to me.I noticed tears started to well up in Musical's eyes.

"Get out of here you mother fucker.I love Musical."I said to Dawn.Dawn ran off and I turned to Musical, she had started crying before Dawn left.

"Hey hey, don't cry."I said wiping off her tears."I love you and only you never forget that."

"I-I love you too"She said wiping her tears.

I wrapped my arm around her and we continued walking to the beach.Once we got to the beach the guys had set up a campfire and almost everyone was there.Only Skyler,Preston,Riley, and Ty were missing."Hey doods."Mitch said."Hey"I said sitting down.

Minutes later the others came and we were all set."Who's go--"I was cut off by Riley."I wanna go first!"Riley said."Okay calm down"Ty said."Jerome, Truth or dare?"She asked."Uh, Dare biggums"He said."I dare you to eat a vile creature"Riley says."WHAT!?NO I AIN'T EATING THAT DISGUSTING THING"He shouted."Jerome you said dare.."Tyler says."Yeah, but I could change it to a truth."Riley said smirking."I dunz wanna do the dare so say the truth"Jerome said."When you and Mitch broke up are your feelings still the same towards him or do you think of him only as a friend"Riley said with a grin."I-uh"Jerome stutterd."Biggums?"Mitch said with a sad look."Mitch, when you broke up with me it broke my heart because I always loved you, ever since we were kids I always had a crush on you.And I still love you."Jerome said looking down."Jerome I still do love you it's just that I thought our relationship was going to end badly because we fought all the time."Mitch said."JUST KISS ALREADY"Alex blurted out then covered her mouth turning red from embarresment.Mitch and Jerome kissed, you could tell they were in love."Jerome will you be mine again?"Mitch said as they pulled away from the kiss."Yes."Jerome said smiling."Okay that was an awesome truth."Riley said.


Musical's POV

"Hmm, Ro, truth or dare"Jerome said."Dare"Ro said."I dare you to sit on Tyler's lap for the rest of the game."Jerome said.She sat on Tyler's lap and they were both blushing."Okay!Jessica truth or dare?"Ro asks."Dare"Jessica said."Jeez what's with dares now?"Chim said."I dare you to kiss the cutest guy playing"Ro said.Jessica kissed chim on the cheek and he blushed deeply."Okay, Jason truth or dare."Jessica asked."Truth"He says."How many girls have you dated."She said smirking.I looked at Jason."6"He said."LIAR.You told me when you lived in Spawn City."Jessica said."Yep he is i can sense it"I said."I can too"Panda says."You guys have the best powers"Ryan says."Okay okay, I dated 12."He said looking down.I gave him a hug and he seemed happy once again."Okay, Bodil truth or dare?"He asked."Dare"Bodil said."Can you magic up a short hard parkour"Jason whispered to me.I nodded."I dare you to do this parkour."He said as I magiced up the parkour.It was 3 + 1 jumps."Okay....."He said walking to it.

~~After many failed attempts~~

"DONE!!!!"Bodil shouted when he was at the top.He got down and we continued the truth or dare.

~~1 month later in Panda's POV~~

I was texting Seto apparantly it was our 1 month anniversary tommorow.He had something planned.Ian and Seto's little brother Jay (TheJayCraft29 Musicalisme029 wanted him in this so yeah) had come to live with us in the village.I was going to give Seto one of the rare magic spell books he wanted.I had finished wrapping it when I got a text from Bodil.

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