Chapter 23 - Hospital

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This will probably end at 30 chapters...I may or may not leave you guys with a cliffhanger but the first sequel chapter will but uploaded so don't worry!This story will probably never have smut between any of the OC's 'cause I don't play that life.If it's like youtuberxyoutuber i will write it but i will give warning.Never written it before so don't expect it to be good or at least decent.The one shots will have smut though...eventually....Anyways!Enjoy!


Musical's POV

I woke up.I was in the forest and an enderman got me.I looked around and saw my sister knocked out."Panda!"I say crawling over to her.I shake her a few times then she wakes up."Huh?DANI!!They got you too, huh."She says giving me a hug."Don't worry the other girls and I think Einshine and Jay are coming too"I say hugging her back."Let's hope we g--"She says getting cut off by a loud boom.

Our father all of a sudden runs in to the room."Well it looks like your little friends are here thanks to you"He says pointing to me."Now is time for your punishment"He continues walking closer to me and pulling out a knife.I close my eyes prepared to get hurt but don't feel anything.i open my eyes and Panda is infront of me and our father stabbed her in the stomach.

Just then Bodil,Einshine,and Jay burst through the door."WHAT DID YOU DO YOU BASTARD!"Einshine said hitting Panda and I's father in the head several times.Panda puled the knife out of her stomach and fell over."Oh my goodness!We need to get her out of here now!"Alex says running over to us."We need to get out of the area so I can teleport us to the village."I say.Einshine picks her up 'bridal style' and nods."Let's just go!"Skyler says running out of the room.I run out of the house with the other following.We run to a nearby park and take a moment to catch our breath."Hurry, her breathing is slowing"Einshine says.I nod and teleport us back to the town near our village."We need to get to the hospital"Ninja says pointing in the direction of it.We run to the hospital."Help!My sister got stabbed in the stomach"I say to the lady at the front desk.A bunch of nurses and doctors put Panda on a hospital bed and roll her away."She is in critical condition.Lost a lot of blood but she is still holding on.Come back in a few hours, we will contact you if anything happens."A doctor says walking out of the room she was put in to.I nod and walk out of the hospital."They said we have to come back tommorow, I hope she's okay"I say looking down."Don't worry, she'll be fine"Jay says putting a hand on my shoulder.We all walk back to the village as the sun rises."I'm gonna change, I'll be back later"Einshine says walking to his house.His clothes had blood all over them."How did you guys get there so fast?"I ask as we walk back to the house."I guess Seto was following us or something because we got teleported to your house"Riley says.We walk back to the house and I run upstairs to change.I had gotten a little blood on myself too.

I got in to my room and decided to shower.I took all my clothes off and washed myself quickly.

After I finished showering I wrapped a towel around myself and blowdried my hair.I put my hair in to a messy bun and walked in to my room to change.I changed in to a pink tank top,black sweatpants that went to a little below my knee,and all black low top converse.I grabbed my pink beats and my phone and walked downstairs.Einshine got back and was sitting with the others."Hey"I say sitting next to Riley and Skyler."So, what do we tell the others?"Ro asks."Panda is in the hospital, she got stabbed"I say."Yeah, but everyone might panic"Bodil says.I look at my phone, 600+ messages from Jason and all of the other guys in TC."Ugh"I groan putting my phone of the table."Boy troubles?"Alex asks.I nod."TIme to fix that!"Alex says pulling out her phone.She gets up and walks out of the room.

Minutes later she walks back in to the room with a pleased smile on her face."Well, he probably won't bother you anymore."She says sitting down.I raise my eyebrown in confusion."He kissed Jess, they all said she kissed him.But you said you saw him kiss her right?"Alex explains then asks.I nod.Then someone knocks on the door."I'll get it"I say getting up.

I walk to the front door and open it to see a tired Jerome and Jason."What do you want"I say."Where's Panda?She hasn't answered any of our texts and she answers all of our texts except Seto's"Jerome asks."She-Uh"I stutter."She's in the hospital"I hear Bodil say from behind me."WHAT?!"The other boys say jumping out of their hiding spots.My eyes widen when I see them."Can we see her?"Rob asks."They said not for another few hours and don't you dare go there with out any of us"I say."Fine fine"They mumble."Bye"I say closing the door."Whatcha wanna do while we wait?"Bodil asks."I don't know but I'm gonna go take a nap then meet you guys down here in 2 hours so we can go"I say walking to the stairs."Sleep tight"I hear Jay say."Thanks for saving us you guys"I say smiling.

I get in to my room and crawl in to the covers and fall asleep immediatly.


Jason's POV

We had just left their house."Dood, I have seen the cuts we all have to watch you"Mitch says.I walk to the beach and sit down next to a log.I pull down my sleeve and look at the scars on my arm.I had cut when I saw Musical in the hospital.It was my fault she was in there and I kissed her friend.I am horrible.I feel a movement next to me.I turn and see Sky sitting next to me."They sent me to look after you first"He says."Okay"I say looking at the clear water."I know how you feel, i cut too...."He says showing me his scars."Don't blame yourself, we all make mistakes"He continues.I sigh and lean back on the log and before i know it, I'm asleep.


Wow, very short POV.But I did update the one shots so i think that should make up for it!I pulled this out of my brain.Is it wierd that Seto is one of my fav youtubers yet I have not watched any of his videos? xD Anyways Jerome is going to be an adult and Mitch is going to be a baby! *zaps them*


Mitch: Nuuu why me

Me: @ThePandaMonkey @Musicalisme029 wants to babysit him iz dat okay? 

Mitch: Cawwy me

Me: *picks him up* anyways, peace out!

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