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next chapter is like straight up mavi trash bear with me

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He was glad that Alex was a natural born problem solver; otherwise, Avriel's master plan would've crumbled to pieces.

He'd been stalking the man in the shadows, and connected himself with his aura so well that he could feel every single thought and emotion that washed over that creative mind of his. It wasn't hard to tell that the man hadn't gotten much sleep the night before -- his eyes had heavy bags under them, and his lips were chewed to shreds.

It was clear that Alex helped the seed of worry flower into something beautifully corruptive. He'd driven himself to the brink of insanity with it -- he'd convinced himself that not only did Mitch have a secret that he didn't share with Scott, but that he felt more comfortable sharing it with Avi instead.

Things were going all according to plan. Especially now that Alex felt he had to personally crack the mystery.

Avriel peeked around the man's shoulder to see his phone -- he had his conversation with Kirstin pulled up, and it made the demon smile sickly. He knew Kirstie would be the first one he would to go to about something like this, because Scott clearly didn't know what the secret might be, and it was unlikely that he'd ever tell Jeremy something personal without telling Kirstie first.

Hey, Kirst! Got a few minutes before choir?

yeah, whats up?

I'm worried ab Mitch...
Rather not say it over text. Meet you in the longue by the theater?

ofc, i'm already there <3

Things were moving smoothly.

He was surprised to see that Kirstie was just as beautiful as she ever was, though he knew that under her concealer were dark circles, just like Alex's. She smiled brightly when she saw the man, even though the demon could feel the concern behind her perfect smile. "Hey, Al," she said sweetly. "I've only got, like, five minutes. What's up?"

He sighed as he sat across from her. "This is kinda dumb, but..." He looked up at her with that shy smile of his. "Mitch has a secret that he won't even tell Scott, and it's literally eating away at me. He tells us everything."

The demon smirked when Kirstie frowned. "Oh, I..." she bit her lip and laced her fingers together. Avriel could feel that she wanted to question how he knew that, but with a push of the energy from his core, he silenced the thought. "Okay. Any leads?"

He shook his head solemnly. "I don't want to seem like a gossip girl, I mean I am, but..." They shared a quick and heartless laugh. "I mean, if he didn't tell Scott, then next up would be you, right?"

She sighed and let her shoulders slump. "He didn't tell me anything, but..."

He quirked an eyebrow excitedly. "But...?"

Avriel decided that he didn't really like the sad look on any woman, but especially not on Kirstie. He fought through it, though, because they were bordering on a breakthrough.

"Well, I..." she sighed again. "It's kinda silly, but I've been thinking about it a lot."

"Please share," he said interestedly.

"Don't laugh?" He nodded. "Okay, well.. I think he might... have a crush..." She leaned in seriously and lowered her voice. "...on Jeremy...?"

Verity (Mavi)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя