My Life

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Savannah's POV


Ugh. School.

I got out of bed and went into the bathroom. After a quick shower I brushed my teeth and went into my closet. I wish we didn't have to wear uniforms at my school.......

After getting dressed I ran downstairs and ate breakfast, grabbed my bag, and was out the door to my car. Once I pulled into the parking lot in front of the school, I locked the car and went inside to my locker. Up until now, the day was going along it's normal routine- up until Zach came and leaned against the locker next to me.

"Hey babe, wanna see a movie later?" he asked with a smirk playing on his lips.

"Oh sorry hun, but I don't date mated wolves." I replied in a casual manor. How dare he ask me on a date! I was soon to be the Alfa of the pack! And he was already mated!

'Well you don't have to be so rude about it DEAR......' he said through the pack bond. Ugh why can't I find my mate?

After the little confrontation, I went to my first period- biology. I love my teacher. Mrs. Cerasi was the best in the school. Except this was the class I had with the school's worst pervert- Daniel.

And of course, he sat right next to me.

"Hey sexy," he said sitting down. "Saw your little incident with Zach earlier, and I knew you wouldn't leave me for him babe."

"Um, news flash- we aren't dating and we never will. Plus the fact that all you do during class is stare at my boobs." I told him off. Ugh my life was awful sometimes.

"Well, when you want to own this," he said motioning to his body. "Then you let me know." then he handed me a slip of paper with his number on it. Well, this was going on the fire first thing when I got home.

Everyone in school had found their mate, and by that I mean all the werewolves. The school had a few vamps, but the main population was werewolves and humans. And besides the perverts, and there were a lot, I was the only one in my pack that hadn't found my mate.

The teacher walked in just as the bell rang, and started the lesson. After that class was over, I went to World History. I loved this teacher as well. I sat down next to my best friend Jessica, and the lesson began.

"Hey Jess, how's it going?" I asked once the teacher started the lesson.

"Eh, it could be better," she replied. "My sister has a cold."

"Oh poor thing! Send her well wishes for me!"

"Sure thing!"

After this class, I went to band. Oh how I loved this class. I sat down and got out my French Horn and started to warm up. The day went on until last period, and when the bell rang for us to go home I ran out to my car and drove to the woods. From there I grabbed my bag and ran into the trees. When nobody could see me anymore, I phased into my wolf and let her run to our favorite spot by the river to concentrate and do homework.

When we arrived, I sat down and phased back into my human form. Then I got out my laptop and started writing the 10 page research paper due for World History. After all the homework was done, I walked down to the river and took a drink. Then I grabbed my stuff, phased into my wolf, and ran back to my car. I drove home and ran up to my room. I got changed into some casual clothes and went downstairs for dinner.

My parents asked how my day was and the usual dinner conversation. Then I went back upstairs and got in bed. Then I read some of my book, and dozed off..............

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