♔ 3

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Another week passed and still Oikawa hasn't gotten his voice back. His mother took him to the doctor and his fears got confirmed

He lost his voice.

He could only stare at his hands the whole drive home. He couldn't seem to process it in his head. He wasn't going to be able to speak anymore. He wasn't going to be able to laugh.

He wasn't going to be able to say "Iwa-chan" to Iwaizumi anymore

The thought made him depressed. He went up to his room and locked himself in. He couldn't believe it. He lost his voice? He wasn't going to be able to speak anymore?

His phone vibrated and he looked down to see it was a message from Iwaizumi. He bit his lip as he shut his phone off.

For the first time, he didn't want to text Iwaizumi. He didn't want to text anyone for that matter. He just wanted to be left alone.


Four days passed and still Oikawa didn't come to school. He hasn't gone out of the house either. He didn't want to face anyone.

Iwaizumi especially.

It was around afternoon where something finally happened in his silent life.

He jumped as he heard someone pounding on his door and he stood up slowly to see who it was. His eyes widened as he was greeted by the glaring face of Iwaizumi

"Where the hell have you been?" The raven haired boy demanded

Oikawa just gave him a shrug before he tried closing the door but Iwaizumi flung his hand out to stop it

"Your mother told me everything" Iwaizumi said as his voice softened. Oikawa looked up as the raven haired boy went inside the room and closed the door softly behind him. Iwaizumi sat on the brunet's bed and gave a sigh

"I'll miss you calling me Iwa-chan"

Oikawa was surprised at the words Iwaizumi said

"I'll miss your laugh. I'll miss your voice" the rave haired boy continued "But you know? I kept thinking about how lucky it was that it was only your voice that was taken away and not your life. A silent Oikawa is better than no Oikawa at all"

The brunet couldn't help but smile slightly at those words. He went towards Iwaizumi and the raven haired boy gave space for the brunet. Iwaizumi made Oikawa lie down and placed the boy's head on his lap. The brunet felt his face heating up at Iwaizumi's actions and shivers went up his spine as he felt Iwaizumi playing with his hair.

An idea went to Oikawa's mind and he reached towards his pocket and took out his phone. He typed something before he hit send and looked up at Iwaizumi who frowned slightly as something vibrated.

Iwaizumi took his phone out and read the message that came from Oikawa

"Thank you Iwa-chan, for being by my side"

A smile grew on Iwaizumi's face as he spoke "Assikawa, I'm always going to be be here for you"

Oikawa typed something and sent it again to the boy

"Can you hear my heart speaking? Its saying 'I love you, Iwa-chan' "

Iwaizumi tore his eyes away from the phone screen as he looked down at Oikawa

"I love you too, Shittykawa"

Iwaizumi bent down to kiss the boy's lips and that's when Oikawa cried. Tears fell from his face as he cried silently. Iwaizumi just kissed the brunet over and over, whispering the words "It will be okay, I'm here" to Oikawa.

Iwaizumi allowed Oikawa to cry as much as he wanted. He then pulled the boy so they could lie down on the bed. The raven haired boy wrapped his arms around Oikawa, pulling the brunet close to him

"I love you, don't forget that"

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