♔ 4

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The following day, Oikawa went to school. He felt happier than before and a smile was on his face the whole day. Iwaizumi had offered to walk him home after practice and of course, Oikawa quickly agreed.

It was already close to eight when they finished practice. Oikawa gave a smile and a thumbs up to everyone which they took as his way of saying "Good work everyone"

Iwaizumi went to Oikawa as soon as he saw that the brunet was finished changing

"Ready to go?" He asked "Its slightly raining outside so we better hurry"

Oikawa nodded his head as he quickly zipped his bag shut and followed Iwaizumi out

Indeed it was slightly pouring. It took a few minutes of them walking before the slow rain to become a harsh downpour. Oikawa couldn't see clearly and he instinctively held onto Iwaizumi, stumbling about slightly. There weren't any lamp posts that were turned on in sight and Oikawa wondered why.

Another few minutes and they were drenched to the bone already.

"Y-you okay Shittykawa?" Iwaizumi asked, his teeth chattering from the cold. Oikawa nodded his head as he squeezed Iwaizumi's hand reassuringly

They walked in silence for awhile before Oikawa jumped as he heard tires screeching and he closed his eyes shut as he was blinded by the light

Everything happened so fast that it didn't register at once to Oikawa.

Oikawa felt himself being pushed towards one side and heard Iwaizumi yelling "Shittykawa!"

Oikawa blinked a few times before his vision cleared. The sight before him made him freeze

He saw Iwaizumi in front of him, unconscious and bloody. The car that had done this to Iwaizumi had fled, leaving them.

Oikawa panicked as he took his phone out. He was about to dial 911 when he remembered he couldn't speak. Cursing silently, he sent a text to his mother, praying that she would text back immediately.

And a sigh of relief escaped his lips as she texted back almost immediately saying that she was on her way.

Oikawa held Iwaizumi close to him, it caring at all if his clothes got bloody

"Hold on" he thought "Hold on"

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