♔ 5

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They had to wait for four hours before they were allowed to see Iwaizumi.

Oikawa was told to go first seeing as he was the closest one to Iwaizumi and he was left alone with the boy all to himself. The doctors said that they had done everything they can and they were just waiting for Iwaizumi to open his eyes.

The sight of Iwaizumi looking as if he got beaten up brought tears to Oikawa's eyes. He collapsed on a chair beside the raven haired boy. The tears fell from his eyes as he held the boy's hand close to him.

"Please wake up" he tried to say "Iwa-chan I'm here"

He was surprised when a small squeak came out from his mouth and that made hope spread across his chest faster than wildfire

"Iwa-chan" he repeated over and over until

"Iwa-chan, please wake up"

He was surprised his voice was heard. His eyes widened as he felt the weight on his chest life away

Slowly but surely, Iwaizumi's eyes opened and he looked at Oikawa.

What surprised the brunet was that there were tears on Iwaizumi's face as a small smile appeared on his lips

"Y-you said...y-you spoke...h-how" Iwaizumi stammered as more tears fell "I thought...I thought I wasn't going t-to be able to h-hear you c-call me that again"

"I love you Oikawa, I love you so much"

Oikawa couldn't help himself as he leaned forwards and kissed Iwaizumi on the lips

"I love you too, Iwa-chan"

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