A Friend's Loss

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?????'s POV

I sit down on a couch that I had teleported a little while ago as I watch all the AUs at once and look at one of my favorite AUs, Undertale. There, a girl was heading towards the peak of Mt. Ebott. 'Stupid girl..' I thought as I continue to watch her climb to the top of Mt. Ebott, taking in all of her appearance features while doing so. She had H/L/C, (Hair length and color) glistening E/C eyes and was wearing a sweater of some sort along with some jeans. (Or shorts if you prefer..or heck, a dress even or..skirt C;) Her height wasn't too short or too tall so it was perfect for her. I watched as she finally made it to the top as she started staring at a large hole in the ground that was big enough for anyone to fall into. I try to hold back my laughter as she tries walking away to avoid falling into it when suddenly a vine grabs onto her leg with a strong grip and pulls her down making her fall endlessly down the hole.

Your POV

It was sunday afternoon, I had been hanging out with my bestie for the past 3 hours as we were now playing 'Truth or Dare' with eachother. "Y/N! Truth or Dare?!"

May exclaims to me in an excited voice and if this were a cartoon, then she would have stars in her eyes right now. I give her a devilish smirk before replying back to her.

"Dare." I had a stressful day today, like usual and was strangely feeling like a daredevil today. "I dare you..To climb Mt. Ebott!" May replies to me with a devilish smile on her face as she notices my eyes widen with slight fear in them. "May are you crazy?! Legends say that who ever climbs that moutain will disappear and they'll never be seen again!" I reply to May while flailing my arms around to show that I was serious and was seriously freaking out. "Yeah, but you DON'T believe those dumb folktales do you? Or are you just chickening out?~" May replies to me tauntingly making me shoot a glare at her. I know I said that we're besties in all but I only said that because she was my ONLY friend that I had. Despite me calling her my 'bestie' we weren't technically close and tented to rival agsinst and tease each other a lot, for instance..right now. "Come on May! You know that I never chicken out on a dare! But this..this is like telling a person that you don't care about their own well being, that you're telling them to pretty much 'get lost' or 'I hate you, so go die in a hole'!!" I practically yell at May while she looks at me with a shocked expression on her face before frowning at me. "Fine..Then don't climb Mt. Ebott..Even though I really wanted to see if the tales were true or not.." May replies to me sincerely before looking down at her hands as warm tears start to flood her eyes. "I-I would go by myself b-but I've already tried..Climbing Mt. Ebott to discover if the tales are true or not is my dream..but I can't even pull myself together to even do so..While you Y/N, you're the most
bravest person I've ever met.." May says, starting her explanation as her tears began to crawl down her cheeks while all I can manage to do is have sympathy for her while lips slowly start forming into a frown as I continue to listen to May. "I-I thought that we when we first met and became friends that I could get you to climb Mt. E-Ebott for me and tell me if the rumors were true.." May finishes her explanation as she stares at her slighty trembling hands. I let out a small sigh before placing one of my hands on her cheek gently making her look up at me. "May..I understand which is why I'm not going to climb Mt. Ebott..WE'RE going to climb it! TOGETHER!!" I state to her positively with excitement in my voice. May's eyes grow wide with shock as she is now at a loss for words as I stand up, grab her hand and help her up, then race out the door with her following behind me as we make it to Mt Ebott. There was a large and dense forest that we had to travel through to make it to the front of Mt. Ebott before we could climb to the top of it. "W-We..m-made...it..!" I exclaim out of breath as I stare at the giant moutain in front of me. "Who would of thought that Mt. Ebott was this big..Right May?" I ask May after catching my breath as I turn to look at her when I finally notice that she wasn't anywhere to be found. 'S-She was just behind me! Like three minutes ago!' I say to my subconscious before I hear a scream, a girl scream. "Y/N!!! HELP ME!!!!" I hear May's cry for help from a distance as it echoed through the forest and seemed to come from the west. I quickly ran in the direction that I could hear May's cries come from. When I finally found her, I felt like my soul had just been ripped out of me and shattered to pieces as I look in horror at the bloody corpse laying in the cold grass before me. "M-M-Ma-y-y.." I stutter out as I fall down to my knees and stare at my friend's dead body as my eyes began to storm with warm tears. Although her eyes looked souless, I could still see slight emotion in them. They were filled with guilt, sorrow, grief, and fear. "hUmAnS aRe sO pItIfUl.." I hear a glitched voice say as I quickly turn around to find that nobody was behind me making shivers go down my spine. I tried to call out for help..but nobody came. I look down at my friend's dead corpse and smile slightly as I remove the red heart locket from her neck and put it on around my neck then open up the locket, it's empty inside just like May."Even if your gone..I'll always keep you close by with this, your favorite locket.." I mutter under my breath to myself. I decided to bring my friend's dream to life and climb Mt. Ebott, by my self, alone. I walk over to the moutain and start climbing it as I felt like somebody was watching me even though there wasn't anybody around or behind me which creeped me out. I breathe heavily as I finally make it to the top of the moutain. 'Who would of thought that the moutain would take hours to climb..' I think to myself as the head as I catch my breath and began making my way towards a large hole..? 'So the rumors were true?' I ask myself in the head as I look at the large hole, staring into the dephts of darkness. I turn around to leave when suddenly, I feel a vine of some sort grab my leg as it now had a strong grip on it and pulled me down with it into the hole making me scream as I fell endlessly into the darkness while I watched the light from above slowly fade away. Tears started flooding out of my eyes and down my cheeks uncontrollably as I thought I was going to die and that obviously there was no hope of me to survive. I looked down to see if there was any ground that I approaching but it was too dark to see a thing. I realized that the hole that I fell from was getting smaller from my view as I continued to fall as it meant that I was probably about to land. I was about to land on the cold ground to my death but something catched my landing. I open up my eyes that had been closed for the impact that ended never coming as I look down to see..pillows? I get up as I stare at the pillows with a small look of confusion on my face until suddenly they turned into black ink making me freak out a little. (Cuz why not? X3) I was about to take a step to examine the ink on the ground when suddenly it was lifted up by or with something and was now levitating in mid air for a few moments before it flew behind me making me turn around in curiosity to see where it was going because maybe It'll lead me somewhere out of here..? My eyes widen a little as I notice a skeleton with the ink shaped into a ball of some sort in his hands. I look at the skeleton in shock as I take a step back away from him. I was aware about the legends of Mt. Ebott and how supposedly there were monsters living down here so seeing a skeleton down here doesn't faze me at all. I notice the skeleton smile sweetly at me as he adjusts his brown scarf a little (That's a sign of nervousness xD) before extending his hand out to me.

"Heh..don't worry, I promise you, I'm not here for trouble and I don't have the intentions on hurting you." The artsy looking skeleton said to me in a warm and soft voice as he smiled at me. I look up at him, we were about the same height but he might of been at least an inch taller than me or so. He had two different colored eyes. (Or pupils) his left was a yellow star and the other was a simple blue one, he seemed to have a small splatter of ink on his right cheekbone as well. He wore an actually cute outfit that mostly consisted of the color brown which I thought was kinda funny and probably the only thing he had on him that wasn't brown was the blue jacket he had tied around his waist. I decide that he's kind and can be trusted as I take a step closer to him and shake his hand that had been extended out to me as a gesture to shake it. "The names' Ink, nice to meet you." Ink says to me with a gentle smile as he shakes my hand kindly before letting go of it and looking around a bit nervously making me giggle at him. "My name is Y/N, nice to meet you too Ink." I reply to him with a giggle as I notice a light rainbow..? appear on his cheekbones. 'Is he..blushing?' I ask myself in the head as I smile kindly at Ink who only seems to blush even more making the rainbows on his cheekbones more visible. I notice a paint brush behind him as I look at it for a moment then back at Ink with a confused expression on my face. "What's the paint brush for?" I ask Ink curiously as I point at the painting tool behind him while he chuckles lightly before pulling it out from behind his back. "Oh, this? This is just my uh..trusty paint brush I use to draw and paint with." Ink replies to my question as i notice that he was trying to find what to say making it obvious that he wasn't telling me the truth but I just ignored it and tug gently on his scarf making his cheekbones turn a bright rainbow. "H-Hey cut that out!" He stutters in embarrassment as he appears to be extremely nervous around me by now so i decide to drop the act. "So..where am I and how do I get out of here, Ink?" I ask him with a slight sorried expression on my face as I begin to start losing hope on ever being able to escape this weird new part of the world where only monsters live and not a single human.

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