Chapter 5

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((Can't think of a name for this chapter because..Really not feelin' up to it right now. Sorry. XD))

I let out a small sigh as I wrap my arms around the multicolored skeleton, embracing him a warm and comforting hug as I notice his eyes widen from my touch as he shudders a bit and starts glitching out. 'I guess he doesn't like physical contact much..' I say in my head as I frown a little before letting go of him making him stop shuddering and gradually put his glitching to a stop. "What's your name by the way?" I ask the multicolored skeleton once he finally stops glitching. He stays quiet for a moment before looking at me amd stuffing his hands in his pockets. "wElL..mY nAmE iS eRrOr sAnS..bUt i PrEfEr tO bE cAlLeD jUsT eRrOr." Error says answering my question as he doesn't really seem much for conversation. "Nice to meet you, Error I'm Y/-" I start until I'm cut off by Error as my happy smiling face quickly forms into an irritated one, I hated being cut off. "I already know." Error says in a non-glitchy voice making my eyes widen as I hear his voice in a non-glitchy tone. " just spoke to me in a non-glitchy voice.." I say in a peculiar way while Error looks at me like I'm an idiot. "Uh..yeah i can control the tone of my voice and i tend to only talk with my voice in a glitchy tone when i'm trying to appear menacing.." Error explains as I notice his voice get a little quieter towards the end of his explanation. 'Heh..that's adorable..he tries being scary when he's not even scary to begin with! in fact..he's actually pretty Ink.' I think in my mind as I notice that Error had been staring at me for the past two minutes with his black cheekbones covered in a dark shade of blue making me blush as well at the thought of wondering why he'd be blushing while looking at me.

Error's POV

After I explain to Y/N about how I'm able to make my voice non- glitchy, I notice her stare at me as her eyes seemed to say that she was in deep thought. I take this quiet time to analyze her more. Little did I know that this human was actually really pretty. Her L/C/ ((Hair length and color)) hair shined so beautifully that it almost looked like it had a will to shine. Those cute sparkling E/C  eyes that seemed to make my soul shake a little at the innocence behind them. I feel my cheekbones heat up like crazy as I continue to stare at Y/N, feeling the need to touch her hair. I slowly start moving my hand towards her as I was about to place it ontop of her hair to feel the softness of it until I'm suddenly snapped out of my trance from hearing her call my name making my cheekbones heat up more. "E-Error?" Y/N calls to me in a slightly confused voice as I quickly move my hand away from her and stuff it back in my pocket. "Y-Yeah?" I reply to her as I feel extremely nervous now and my cheekbones felt like they were on fire.

Your POV

"Y-Yeah?" Error replies to me as I look at him a bit confused and slightly curious. "Were you..about to touch my hair?" I ask him with a 'wanting to know' look on my face. "n-No..!" Error answers my curious question in a slightly glitchy voice as his entire skull is dyed blue by now. "Whatever.~" I say to Error teasingly earning a glare from him in return before he turns and walks away. "I'm back later." Error says quietly but loud enough for me to hear before a portal appears in front of him as he walks inside the portal, leaving instantly. 'Wonder where he went?' I tell myself in the head in a curious manner. I walk around boredly not sure what to do as I become curious as to what time it is as I pull my phone out of my jeans' pocket and turn it on as the screen lights up with that annoying brightness that hurts a litte before my eyes can adjust to it. I notice that my phone's clock is frozen some how so there is no actual telling what time it is right now as I let out a small sigh and sit down in a corner boredly. It feels like twenty mimutes has passed by by now as I let out a bored sigh deciding to play a game on my phone as I pull it out again and decide to play 'Candy Crush Saga' since i wasn't really in the mood to play any other games besides that one specific game. I growl in frustration as it had probably been about an hour later as I was stuck on the same game level that I had been for like, the past thirty minutes. Ten more minutes feels like it just passed by as I give up trying to beat the level in the game and put my phone back in my pocket. I stand up and start wondering around the Anti-void boredly until I hear that familiar ripping noise, turning around almost instantly to see a portal behind me as I stand there, silent waiting for Error to walk through it. Error never comes through it so I decide to walk over to the portal and stare at it for a moment before somehow having the audacity to put my hand through it. Suddenly, right as I do it my hand starts decomposing into tiny particles of dust making me scream as it spreads throughout my body until my whole body is turned into dust as it's sucked through the portal.

Error's POV

I fled the Anti-void because I needed time to calm down since I felt like I was nearly going to faint near that human girl. I was in the Undertale universe, inside of the skelebros' house as I was sitting on their green couch watching TV. Classic doesn't really like me and prefers me to not be inside his house. I don't care though, not to mention the fact that neither one of the brother's were home right now. I feel my eyelids start to grow heavy as I slowly close them, only to be woken up from a terrified scream that was in my nightmare. The scream sounded like Y/N's which was creepy because why would I be having dreams about her? It's not like I like her or I?

((I wonder what happened to you in the story~ we'll find out in the next chapter now won't we? C: thanks for reading this chapter kiddos! ^-^)) <(●~●^) <----- Look at dat fabulous face xD

Sketches V.S Glitches (Ink Sans x Reader x Error Sans)Where stories live. Discover now