Chapter 3: Chaos and Tartarus

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When Percy could see again Will and he were standing in the middle of a humongous palace. It looked just like Percy's sword. The walls and floors were solid black with shining lights like a starry sky. A row of pillars went down on both sides of the palace, which led to a massive throne. There was a man sitting in it, Chaos. He wore a dark blue suit and he held a black cane with a shining crystal at the top. He had a ark tan and short cropped blonde hair. He looked to be in his late twenties. Percy walked down the long hall with Will following. Percy reached the edge of the throne and knelt, "My lord, I've found the one I want to help lead your army. There are two more I want as lieutenants from Camp Jupiter. I will leave for them as soon as we are done here." Chaos stood and spoke in a rich deep voice, "Well done Perseus. The army is almost completely assembled." Chaos turned to Will. "Will Solace, please approach." Will came to the throne and knelt, "Yes lord Chaos."  Chaos chuckled, "I'm humbled by the respect. Now Will, I trust Percy has told you what we are up against." Will nodded. "Good, then you must be ready to fight for me then?" Will nodded again. "Now please hold out your arm." Will held his arm out. Percy watched Chaos approached and started chanting in an unknown language. He lifted his cane and the crystal started turning red. Chaos pressed it against Will's arm. Will screamed out as it burned onto his arm. His skin started to smoke. Finally Chaos stopped. On Will's arm was the Omega symbol. "You are now officially apart of my army." Chaos said. He turned to Percy. "You may go now Perseus." Percy knelt, "Yes my lord." Percy waved his hand and the darkness took over as he melted into shadow.


When Percy formed he found himself on top of the praetor building. Percy heard voices carrying up to him from below. He crept to the edge and looked down. Jason was talking to Reyna. "What do you mean you've felt a tremor?" Reyna was asking him. Jason ran his hand through his hair, "It’s the tremor you feel when someone powerful is around, that power in the air. It feels close." "You are crazy. Searching for Percy has drained you completely. You are one of the few who still search. Even Annabeth has given up, Jason just go rest." Reyna said walking into the building. Percy leaned over the edge and grabbed Jason by the arms and pulled him up onto the roof dropping him onto it. Jason rolled backwards and drew his sword. "Who are you?" He asked. Percy chuckled and pulled his hood down. Jason gasped, "Percy? Is that you?" Percy smiled, "Yes, but only to you and a few others. I'm called Shane by many now. Look I need your help. I'm an agent of Chaos now. He's picked me to lead his army against Tartarus and many others. I need you as a lieutenant." "Wait what? Tartarus is a place, right?" Percy shook his head, "No, he married Gaea. So his essence had to have been inhabiting a body. So he's taken things into his own hand since Kronos and Gaea couldn't get the job done." "So things are bad?" Jason asked. "Not yet, but they will be. That's why I need you to join me." Percy answered. "Ok, I'm in." Jason said. Percy felt the air grow cold. Percy drew his sword off his back. Jason looked at him, "What is it?" "Something is wrong. Chaos gave me a lot of new powers. One of them is to sense any of Tartarus' minions or pets. Something is about to happen, we need to-" Percy tensed. He knew what was about to happen. He grabbed Jason and jumped off the building just as a red streak of lightning hit the praetor building causing it to explode in red fire. Percy and Jason hit the ground and rolled away. Percy came to a stop and jumped up. The building had completely caved in. In its place was a column of fire. Jason pushed himself up behind Percy. "No, Reyna was in there!" He tried to run for the building put Percy grabbed him. "She WAS in there. Nobody could have survived that." Something moved out of the blaze. "Who is that?" Jason asked. "I don't know." Percy said drawing his sword. The man kept coming and Percy walked to meet him. They stopped ten feet from each other. "Perseus Jackson, the little hero." The man said. His voice sounded metallic and deep, and like it was never ending. He wore all black with a dark trench coat. He had long dark hair. "I know your voice." Percy said. The man laughed. He had an evil laugh. "I'm glad you remember me from your dreams Perseus. After all you've fallen into me before." Percy's demeanor darkened. Rage coursed through his body, "Tartarus. So you have inhabited a body." Tartarus sneered, "Not exactly. This is my solid form. So there is no killing me in this body. I am unstoppable." "We'll see about that." Percy said. He raised his sword and started to swing. Tartarus snapped his fingers and Percy froze. It felt like all of his muscles suddenly locked up. Tartarus walked to Percy until he was face to face with him. "Just because Chaos has given you new powers doesn't mean you can defeat me. Just because you are in command of his new army doesn't mean you can destroy me. I will bring this world to its demise, and I will dispose of you demigods one by one. And after that I will bring the Olympians to their knees and make them worship me. I may keep you around though; you and your father will be fun entertainment for me. I'll leave you a little departing gift until next time Perseus." Tartarus ran his finger down the inside of Percy's arm leaving a burning red mark. Tartarus stepped back and disappeared in a red flash. Percy collapsed into darkness.

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