Zion is a drug dealer in Miami Florida
where all the big shit happen.He never loved a girl and each one he was with was Part of his game until he met Elena and started to like her.She was the girl he called when he was in trouble and she always see...
So today I wore my black Capri's with a green shirt well tank and I had a purple short sew in that stopped at my neck.I got out the car to go talk to this boy that I was talking to yesterday when this girl approaches DME complementing me and stuff .An was like u must be new u have some really deep dimples she said.she kind of looked like a tumble girl to me .do we talked and cracked a couple of jokes and she was really nice she seemed like the type of person. I could hang out with so I hung out with her for the rest of the day.
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S Then we exchanged number and turns out we live in the same neighborhood she says she lives with her brother auntie and that she doesn't know what her brother does but it sure brings a lot of money home .In my head I was saying he probably works for my brother but I didn't say that out loud of course so then I got home to find ray sky high on a couch with some highschool girl and I laughed with a discussed face .Then went to my room and ordered me some pizza when trey the boy form yesterday texted me hey ma .n then I called him and just so happens my pizza was here so I walked downstairs while I was on the phone talking to trey and got the pizza .Then ray was like who DA hell u talking to DD Me:nun yo dam business Ray:don't make me lash a belt out on that ass . So I rolled my eyes and went in the kitchen con tinueing my pizza and went to sleep on the phone with trey 2 hours later