I run down the street with the weight of canned foods and water on my back. It's getting harder and harder to move. My legs are trying to give up but I keep pushing. Smoke all around. Cars crashed. The weird looking, nasty creatures are walking sluggishly around my neighborhood. "What is this?" I ask aloud. I stop running as I see a herd of them. I look around trying to find somewhere to go. Putting down the bags in my hand I unzipped them. I took some stuff out and tried to shove it into the space I had left in my book bag. There was still food left but that didn't matter right now. I looked up to see the herd coming. I zip it up and look around. "Aha!" I say with a smile as I see an apartment building a few blocks away. 

Behind a house I look for something to climb on. After a few minutes of looking I see a trash can. Running towards I throw my bag off. I place it on top of the trash can and climb onto it. Once on top I grab the bag again and pull it on. "okay... on 3" I tell myself. I take a deep breath "1.." I say with another deep breath. I take another breath "2..." One last one "3..!" I exclaim jumping to the other trash can. I look behind me to see the other side. Looking down I then see the creatures. Trying to reach me. 

"ha ha! SUCKERS!" I say with my hands on my hips and my tongue sticking out. "thought you could get me aye?" I ask giving them a sassy look. 


"WHAT THE HELL?" I exclaim as I hit deck. I fall to the surface of the trashcan and cover my neck as bullets fly. The monsters fall. Their heads exploding. Blood and other elements flying everywhere. I soon cover my ears from the noise. It seems to be lasting forever. "END FOR MY EARS LIFE!" I yelled. 

The on going gunshots had been ended. I raise my head slowly. Pushing myself up.I brush my clothes off. Not like it was going to help anything. As I look down I see piles of the bodies I use to know. I look around to see blood pools everywhere. The crimson liquid on the road drained to the sewer. I turn back around and smile as I see the building closer. I climb over the fence and fall on the other trash can making a THUD sound. I climb down that and hit the ground. Looking around to make sure its clear. I start off again, this time I don't run. Getting to the street I stop. 'why'd you stop? Nothing is coming. There won't be nothing coming for a long time.' I tell myself giving a confused look. I walk across the street. 

At the door I pull out a gun. I put my hand on the knob and turn it slowly.  The door opens with a creak and I put one foot in front of me. The apartment block is dark other than the little light coming in from the windows. I hold the gun, aiming it down. I walk through the hallways trying to keep caution in all directions. I decide to go upstairs. The steps are creaky. I try to be quiet but nothing seems to be working with these steps. I hold the gun tighter as I get closer to doors. I went to a door that said C 22. I grabbed the knob and clenched it. I started to turn it slowly but before I could open the door I heard glass broke. I kneel down next to the door, looking both ways, aiming the gun. 

"in here" I hear a man say. Crawling over to the railing I look down, trying not to be seen. A few people. Armed with weapons. I shake my head 'i shouldn't' I thought. Maybe 4 women and around 4 men. I shake my head again. Clenching my gun tighter I keep watching. And then I got a glance of him.

His black, somewhat long hair. His tan skin glowing in the light. I knew exactly who it was. 

"Christopher?!" I whisper to myself. I stand up quickly and run down the stairs "Christopher!" I exclaim running towards the group. Nick, Chris, Alicia and I were all best friends in school. Nick would get us in trouble, Alicia would get us out and Chris and I... we would laugh about the stupid things together. I lost them during this whole thing and I thought I would never see the two families again. I had a tiny crush on Chris in school. Chris turned around and looks towards the noise "Faith?" he asks looking at me. I run to him and wrap my arms around him quickly. He is pushed back from the force of my hug and leans against the wall holding me. I wrapped my arms around his neck. Our bodies were close together as we held onto each other. My heart thumped a thousand beats per minute. I'm sure he could feel them as I could feel his. 

"Ummm yea" I heard. I pulled back and smiled. Travis, Liza, Alicia, Madison, Ofelia, Nick, Daniel and Victor stood in front of us.

They all gave a warming smile back.  "Well we see you're back!" Alicia said.  I walked towards her and smiled "I've missed you too" I say with a slight chuckle. She hugs back tightly. Pulling back we laugh again. I went and hugged them all. Looking back I saw Chris standing there with a big smile. I smiles back. My face started hurting from smiling way too much. 'why does he got to be so damn cute?' I asked myself looking down. He chuckled and looked down as well. I remember so many moments with us. On the bus acting like total dumb asses. Over the summer pranking people. Just having fun. All the time. We all did. 

"we should be going... its getting late." Liza said. They all looked to her. Nick went to the door ready to leave. He isn't like he use to be. They've all changed. I nodded. Chris looked to me and then to his parents. "Mom. Dad. We can't leave her. She's alone." he says motioning towards me. I look at him. 

"Chris its fine. Just go. Go find shelter" I say giving him a reassuring look. He just shakes his head. For how cute he is, he's damn stubborn. 

"Dad, mom... please" he says softly. Travis looks down with a sigh. Liza looks to me. Her eyes softened. She starts to nod slowly. I smile and so does Chris. Alicia's eyes widen and a  smile comes across her face quickly. Nick smiles and walks slowly to the group in the center.

Chris's smile turns into a hug huge to both of his parents. I chuckle as Alicia hugs me tightly. 

Ofelia looks to us with a smile She comes to me and hugs me carefully not trying to kill me. Travis goes to the door "lets go" he says motioning to the door. All of us kids go to the door as Travis and Madison leads and Ofelia and Liza stay in the back. Nick, Chris, Alecia and I stayed close together, smiling. 

Our tiny group was back.... and never leaving.

A/n: Hey my beautiful people! How was it? Leave your opinions in the comments! if you enjoyed it please like! 

So what do you think is going to happen? Is Nick mad that she came into the group or what? Is travis worried that she came in? What is going on?????  I will be updating soon.... I hope. 

Well we will figure out soon! Love you my little... my little ducks! XOXO

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