1- Dirty Dishes

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"CINDY?" My step-sister shrieked in rage, stomping all around to find me. "CINDY!" She shrieked again once she caught sight of me trying to sneak off into my room. Darn it. So close.

I sighed and turned towards Olivia, or a little nickname I made up for her. Holivia. Heh. I think it's clever. You may consider it mean, but you've never met my sister. Well, step-sister. With the way she dresses and acts, you'd say my nickname is an understatement.

"What did you do to this shirt?" She asked, gesturing to the tight-fitting crop top, which barely covered everything it needed to cover. "Why'd you shrink it?" She screamed once again in her high-pitched, annoying voice.

My step-mother and "father" came in to hear my explanation. They must've asked her why her shirt was so revealing. My question is, what makes her shorter-than-booty-shorts shorts okay? Or the pumps she wears with them to allow any boy, no matter how tall, to see her disgusting butt. How considerate of her. *note sarcasm*

"I didn't shrink the shirt Olivia, you bought it like that."

"Mother! Do you see how comfortable your step-daughter is with lying?? How DISGUSTING is that? She shrunk my expensive shirt on purpose!"

"Cindy! You are scum for doing that to your own beloved step-sister! Olivia, just wear the shirt. I doubt they'd let you return that." Olivia beamed and I gave her the iciest state I could muster up. "Oh and Cindy! Fold the towels you dried earlier today and then go pick up your step-brother's dirty boxers and wash them. Now."

I nodded my head and went down to the basement, which had the washer and dryer, and took out the towels. I folded them one by one and put them in a basket, while humming the "Happy Working Song."

Once I reached upstairs again, my other step-sister Ashley, a year older than Olivia (who's 18), knocked the basket from my grip and laughed at the distress she caused before she walked away, flamboyantly if I might add.

Ashley is worse than Holivia and I'm glad she's going straight to University and not taking a gap year. She just turned 19, while Olivia just turned 18, and I'm still 17. Olivia and I are in the same year which is awful. She and the other kids make me the subject of all the jokes. I have one friend.

I dispersed the towels to the 5 bathrooms in our mansion, secretly giving myself the softest ones. And yes, you heard me say "mansion". My "family" is very rich, as my "dad" is a famous movie director and my step-mom is a professional at being snooty and arrogant. She plays tennis for our community's club and acts like Sarena Williams even though she sucks.

In my free time, when I have some, I like to write songs and play instruments, and eventually sing/record them. My dad has a state-of-the-art recording booth for my sister's "singing career". She sucks. She is worse than Rebecca Black. I'm not supposed to use the booth but I do when no one is around. We also have all sorts of instruments down there.

I went into my step-brother Will's room and started picking up his dirty boxers.

"Oh I've got that Cindy." Will said as he took the pair of boxers from my hands an placed them in the basket, repeating the process with the rest if the boxers on the floor.

"Thanks Will."

"It's the least I can do. Keep your head up." Will said smiling. I smiled back at him and carried on down the stairs. I truly loved my step-brother. He was always nice to me when we were alone, but he couldn't be when others were around. He used to be nice to me all the time but step-mother demanded that my "dad" beat him for it because I wasn't worth being nice to. Yay for positivity.

Anyways, Will did whatever he could to make things easier for me, whether it was keeping his room clean or just not punch me in the face when dad would have.

I put my basket downstairs and tried to avoid contact with anyone.

"CINDY!" Nooooooo.

"Yes mistress?" I asked. Oh yeah. Another thing. My "family" demands that I call them formally. Step-mother is mistress. Father is master. Olivia and Ashley are miss. And Will is sir, only when others are around though. I also get away with calling Ashley and Olivia by their names sometimes though, like earlier today.

"We'd like dinner."

I nodded and opened the fridge. The kitchen was my own personal room because no one else ever stepped a foot in it. Today was Sunday and so it was a classy meal for dinner. Tonight was filet mignon. Dinner was ready about an hour later.

"Everything taste good?" I ask.

"Could I get more salt please?" Olivia asked. I nodded and returned with the shaker. She took it from me, smiled, then "accidentally" dropped the glass shaker on the ground, which shattered into a million pieces. "Oops." She says innocently.

"Cute." I mutter as I give her my death glare, a look she gets quite often. I was able to sweep up the salt easily into the dust pan and "accidentally" drop all the salt in her face. "Oh my god I'm so sorry! I'm so clumsy!" I say dramatically, acting as if that wasn't on purpose.

"Mom! That beast spilled salt on me on purpose!" Olivia shrieked.

"No I didn't mistress! I'm not even smart enough to think of something like that!" I said convincingly.

"She's got a point Olivia." Mistress said. I took no offense, actually quite pleased that I was such a good actress.

"UGH!" Olivia said, stomping away from the table. I smiled to myself as Will looked at me in admiration.

The rest of the family finished dinner and I was finally allowed to eat. I wasn't  deemed worthy to eat in the same room as them so I have to wait until they're done. And I only get the leftovers. You're probably thinking, how come you don't just save food for yourself in the beginning? Well, mistress plans out how much food we eat for each meal and so she only gets enough for the five of them, not me.

This makes me have to eat the leftovers. Will usually leaves something for me but not tonight so no dinner! Yay! *note sarcasm*

I begin to wash the dishes and listen to the radio while I work.

"This new song from One Direction goes hand-in-hand with their new movie This Is Us. New music on Star 94 is the Best Song Ever!"

I instantly relaxed as I heard my favorite song come on the radio.

"Maybe it's the way she walked straight into my heart and stole it"

Yes, Harry. You tell 'em.

Before I knew it, the dishes were clean and the song was over.

Walking into the family room, I see my family playing with Charlie, my dog.

"Ow! Charlie bit my finger!" Olivia yelled.

Good boy Charlie, good boy.


Hi! This is a new story on Wattpad and I hope you like it so far!! Thanks for reading! If you like it, please vote! Also please comment to tell me how I'm doing! 7 votes for the next chapter?? thanks!

Update: I wrote this when I was like 12 so just keep that in mind

~Rebecca :)

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