6- Wrong Door.

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I casually walk over to the security guard.

"Hey...I'm the new undercover."

"The new undercover agent?"

"Yeah. Listen, Helen, at the front, didn't recognize me. Can you let me in?"

"Oh sur-Wait. How do I know you're the real deal?"

I twinkle my star-shaped necklace and he nods, stepping past the door. I walk through the doorframe and turn around to him.

"You know? You're such a good guard, I bet no one ever gets past."

"Well thanks."

"Oh, and if you ever see me again... I'm on this new medication so I might not remember this conversation. Also I'm getting a make-over so I'll look drastically different.

Well, I am as smooth as a baby's butt, if I do say myself. I pat myself on the back. Good call on the star necklace today.

My skateboard takes me to a corridor where I hear a little kid screaming. I follow the sounds of the screams and find LUX!

Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. I'm such a loser... Fangirling over a baby.

"Lux!" I say, going over to her.

She is crying, her face red and wet with tears.

"Are you alright?"

She shakes her head.

"Are you lost?"

She nods.

"Well come on let's find your mum."

I pick her up in one arm and my penny board in the other. She plays with my hair as I search for someone to help. I hear worried voices as I come upon a room.

"Where are they?"

"Dude, should we call the cops or something?"

I smile. Someone can help me find Lux's mum. That's who they must be talking about.

I turn into the room to find the boys.

"Lux! Cindy! You're okay!" Niall yelled.

"Yeah we're fine. Do you know where Lux's mum is? She's lost."

Just as I say that, Lou walks into the room.

"Lux! I've been looking all over for you!" She says, taking her baby from my arms.

"Thanks so much." She says, turning to me.

"No problem." I return, smiling.

Mistress, "dad", Ashley, Liv, and Will walk into the room. The four shoot me daggers, while Will sends an approving look.

"Cindy, did you not ride with them?" Harry asks.

I open my mouth to answer but Ashley beats me to it. "She has really bad bathroom problems. Like, she's been in there the whole time. I heard her, and trust me, it was bad."

I gape at her.

"Then why does she have her skateboard?" Zayn points out.

Silence. I smirk and cross my arms.

"Yeah, why do I have my board? Did I have to ride to the bathroom?" I say sarcastically.

"Shut up." Olivia steps in. I just roll my eyes.

"Anyways, boys. Concert starts in fifteen."

They nod.

The nasties leave, while Will hangs back.

"He totally thought you wouldn't get here. Proud about it too. He had this huge grin on his face."

"If only it hadn't happened."

"What are you talking about?" Will furrows his eyebrows.

"You know...Why they hate me so much."

"OPENING ACT ON IN 30 SECONDS!" A voice yelled.

Four Australian boys tripped past the doorway, struggling to get their mics on.

"You should go get in the crowd. They're good." Louis said to me.

I nod and wish them luck. I walk out the first door I see... Which was the wrong door. A million girls are screaming at me. Whoops.

I stood there awkwardly, my legs frozen.

"Uhh...Wrong door." I spoke into the lone microphone on the stage.

A chorus of laughter sprang out in the stadium.

I quickly scurried from the spotlight. I found the right door, and got a seat next to Caroline.

She looked at me and started cracking up.

"Look at Twitter." She said, shoving her phone in my face. There were videos of me saying "Uh...Wrong door." a million times over with #wrongdoorgirl. Woah, it's trending... How many people are here?

The girls standing behind us saw me and freaked out.

"Can we have a picture?"

"Uh sure, but why?"

"You're practically a celebrity!" They screamed.

"That's quite the stretch but okay."

I smiled with the girls, although when they thanked me, and I turned around, I couldn't help but think that I don't want people to ask for pictures because I make a mistake. I want them to ask for pictures because they love my music.

Five Seconds of Summer rolled out on stage, waving at all the fans.

Luke Hemmings=Life.

"I'm right here, when you gonna realize, that I'm your cure, heartbreak girl!" Caroline and I sang along.
This. Is. Perfection.


"Alright for this next song, we're going to pick one girl to come sit up on stage, and we'll sing to you." Niall said, after the cheering for the boys came down. They scanned the audience, and Harry found me, smirking.

"He smiled at me!" The girl behind me yelled.

She pulled out her phone and tweeted about it. "Hey wrong door girl, what's your Twitter?"

"Don't have one. Sorry." I said which in turn made the girl frown as she turned to her friends.

"HAWEEE!" A little girl yelled.

Harry, who was still looking at me, saw who I was pointing out, the little girl. He gathers the other boys and points at the little girl.

They tell the security, so the little girl and her mum sat in two chairs on stage.

The music for "Little Things" started and multitudes of phones were pulled out and dysfunctional swaying began.

Caroline and I started crying. We had been so busy, we were forgetting how much we truly needed each other. Especially to fangirl.

The concert was ending and Caro and I had to get backstage once again. We were granted our VIP access and tried to find everyone.

The group was huddled together, exchanging hugs. Caroline and I walked up and were tackled by rank-smelling, sweaty boys. They must be trusting people because we have not known them very long at all but I guess they're just excited about the concert they just performed.

"Alright, well, I'll see you in like 2 hours." I say, hopping on my Penny.

"No Cindy, you're riding with us."


A/N: Hey guys! Thanks so much for reading this story, it means a lot! I'm so excited with some of the comments I've gotten which show how excited you guys are for this story! It really makes my day :) So please comment and vote, the more votes, the faster the update! Again thanks so much for reading!

Until next chapter,


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