Predator Nation

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My vision blurred with blood, arms grasping for me. They have no chance without me, I'm their only leader. That was the only motivation: reaching the main tower...

 "SIta!" A faint cry came forth. "SIta!" Arms wrapped around me, jerking me into upright position. "SIta! Wake up!" Pain crossed my brain as someone familiar smacked me hard. "Get up, now!" Bridgett stood there, tears streaking her face.

"Bridgett?" I blinked a few times, my brain still fuzzy. "What do you want?" I pushed her away, I didnt need her disturbing my beauty sleep, not when I needed it when the creepers were up.

"Sita, its Dylan." She grabbed my face and looked me in the eyes. "Hes been bitten." She gently but slowly eased her grasp. I looked at her blankly, processing what had just entered my brain. "Sita?" She stood up and took a step back.

"No." I looked down and shook my head, some blood spattered onto the tiles. My arm flailed uselessly beside me. I felt...different. "No, you must be mistaken. It cant be!" I jumped up, pulling back my fist and clenching it hard. Bridgett shrunk down in submission.

"No, I-I-Im quite sure. The nurse has him in ties right now." She pointed over towards the nurses' quarters. I flinched. Someone was struggling against the nurses' ties. Their mouth was bound too. I gasped as the writhing shape turned its head towards me. Dylan.

"No...." I shuddered and took a step back, my back touched the cold wall of Wal-Mart. My breathing quickened. Dylan wasnt Dylan. He was....One of...them..... My mouth gaped like a fish with out any water. Finnaly I must have stopped because my sister's warm hand touched my shoulder. "What happened?" I asked, standing and pulling on my jacket and pushing my hand-gun back into it's holster.

Bridgett started toward the nurse's quarters and I followed. "Well, No one really knows. He was acting weird at first and when we started to question him he...Started to look crazy and we knew that he was attacked  because we found a Creeper with it's throat slit behind the counter by the restrooms."

I nodded even though she probably didn't see me. "Ok then..." I said shakily.

"Sita?" An older voice asked.

"Yeah." I turned to see my Granny. Her face was pale.  "Granny?" I asked when she didn't say anything.

"Hes...too far gone." She looked down at her feet.

"No.." I rushed forward to confront her. "No, no he's not. You are gonna bring him back." Tears scratched at the back of my eyes.

"But hes-"

"No!" I demanded, shouting. "YOU are GONNA bring him back!" I grabbed her shoulder's and squeezed.

"I-I-I will try." She whispered and turned around back to the make-shift office; returning with a metal cookie-sheet thing. It was covered in needles and other antiseptics. I let out a small gasp as she strode up to a large chair that was holding captive my best friend.

The figure looked as if it was sleeping. Dylan...What have I done?... I walked behind the crowd that was gathering around. My dad was close to the front so I wedged myself in between him and the others. He looked down at me and put his arm over my shoulders. I gave him a weak smile and he pulled me closer.


~I just edited it. I twisted the plot around. I AM going to finnish AND work on it more...When I have time. heh heh. Please comment and say what you think about it. I REALLY need it.! -Hercules_The_Winged_Titan

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