Carnival Day

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I'm running through the forest. Endless trees.

"Sky!" Eli calls from ahead of me.
He stopped to face me.


He steps closer to me. His face was about an inch from mine.

"I love you, Sky."

"I love you, too."

We confess our love for each other and he leans in and places his lips against mine. They were so soft and warm.
His arms wrap around me.
He moves his face next to my ear and whispers,

"I want you."

He slides his hands around and unbuttons my pants.

"Right here, right now."


I jump up from my dream, my eyes felt so dizzy.
I rub my eyes, hoping the spots would go away.

"Great, you're awake!" Blake throws a fist in the air.

It was just a dream. Damnit!
I turn my head to look at the clock; 5:26 AM.

"Why did you wake me up at 5 in the morning!" I whined.

I think my breath stinks. Because after I said that Blake squeezed his nose,

"Eww! You smell like Rocket after the incident!"

Ahh Rocket. I remember him, he was our dog when we were kids. He went into a bush and gots sprayed by a skunk about two weeks after we got him. I think the spray blinded him cuz then he ran out into a street and got ran over by a grandma in a buggy.

"I can't help my morning breath.." I crossed my arms like a child and looked away.

"Do you remember what today is!" he started doing jumping jacks and jogging in place.

"No, what's today?"

I know it's not my birthday, that was last week.

Blake stopped jogging and gasped like I just killed someone, "How could you forget, you promised me!"

I shrugged, "Uhh?"

"I'm not telling you until you remember," he sat criss-cross-applesauce on my floor.

Luckily I wrote every event in my My Little Pony calendar.
Yeah I'm 17 and like My Little Pony, so what?
I turned to my calendar,

Carnival with Blake @ 4 PM

It was circled in red.


"Yes!! Ten points for Gryffindor!"

I think he's been watching a bit too much Harry Potter.

"Okay, but it's at 4 PM, why are you waking me up at 5 AM?"

He started jogging in place again, "Becauuusee we are gonna exercise! Whoo!"

"No." I lied back down on my bed and faced the other way, covering my body with my blanket.

All of a sudden I feel movement on the bed from behind me then something warm laid next to me and wrapped it's arm around me.
I peeked out of my blanket and looked to see Blake snuggling my back and pretending to be asleep.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

He let out a fake snore.

"You little shit," I push him off as hard as I could (since I'm pretty weak.)

"Ouchie! My buns!" he stood up rubbing his butt.

I lied back down, I am way too tired to be up right now.
A few moments pass and I feel Blake laying down against me again, putting his arm over me.
I'll just let him, as long as he doesn't wake me up again.


Oh the carnival, cotton candy and scary rides.

Blake seemed so excited.
Probably because he'd already had 3 funnel cakes since we've been here,

"Let's ride the Freak Out!!"

"No-no-no-no-no! You remember the last time you took me on that thing!--"

"Yeah yeah, you were dizzy and threw up all over mom's new Prada bag, I know. But that was yeaars ago, you can do it now!" Blake interrupted.

"It was not years ago, it was 6 months ago!"

"It's either the Freak Out or the Haunted House,"

"I'll take the Freak Out," I immediately said.

No way am I going in the Haunted House again! Last time I went in it took me 2 hours to get back out again because I got lost and I was so scared I had nightmares every night for 4 months.

Blake threw his fist in the air, "That's the spirit!"


I threw up.

"Okay, maybe it wasn't such a good idea. But it was fun right?!"

I gave him 'the look'.

"Oh man, not the look.." he said with a ghastly face.

Ah yes, the look. It was an invention of mine I did ever since I was 4.
Okay maybe I didn't invent it, but it works.
It was a look that had two meanings;

1. You suck.

2. I wanna slit your throat but I can't because it's illegal and I also really love you so I'll look at you instead and think of doing it in my head.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry! Just don't think about slitting my throat!"

I giggled and put my arm around him.
I whispered in his ear, "I wanna throw up on you," I grinned like a drunk person.

"Aw now that's just gross, Sky." he slowly shoved me off him, "plus, you stink. Let's buy you some minty gum or mints or something because wow, you smell like you ate a dog," he teased.

"Well, aren't you a gentleman," I rolled my eyes.

"You know it!" he winked, "oh also I forgot to mention that when you were on the ride, I invited Eli to come to the carnival and hang out with us."

My eyes widen, "what?"

I can't let Eli see me the way I'm dressed! I look like a hobo let me borrow his clothes from 3 weeks, sweats and a dirty white tank top. it was dirty from some funnel cake sugar, some soda, and a small splash of throw up.

"Oh and also he's bringing Amanda."

"What?" I whimpered in a horrified tone.

Great. He sees me looking vomit-y and Amanda will laugh at my unattractiveness and I'd make her look better and the her and Eli will get married and drive into the sunset with a car that says "Just Married!"

I just realized I've been staring off into space with a horrified look on my face. Blake waved his hand in front of my eyes,

"Uh hello? Earth to Sky? Ah-ha I made a funny!"

"Huh--what?" apparently me coming back to Earth.

Blake turned and pointed, "Eli's here!"

What?! That fast?!

He came and walked in front of us with his arm wrapped around Amanda.

"Hey, guys, wassup?" Eli greeted with that boyish smile of his.

"Hey," Blake and I simultaneously greeted back.

"Jinx!" we pointed at each other: simultaneous yet again

I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw Amanda staring at us with a disgusted face like we were some kind of freaks, but apparently Blake didn't notice (or at least pretended not to notice) and excitedly announced, "We're all going into the Haunted House!!"


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