The Quiet Girl With One Friend

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-Why is she so quiet? It's annoying.

-Can she even speak? Ha!

-Eli is so hot! Why is he even friends with a girl like her?!

-Me and him would be perfect together! He just has to ditch his dorky friend and bitchy girlfriend.

-She's so ugly, gross!

-And fat, haha!

-She's like a fat panda because of her thick, black eyeliner she cakes on everyday, emo slut.

Those were the usual things people said about me, Sky Ballard, Lee High's quiet, "emo" (such a strange term) girl with but one friend, Eli Montgomery AKA the schools hotty.

I'm not even fat! Granted, I do nothing but stay in my room all the time and drink chocolate milk, but I'm far from fat.. Metabolism, ya know?

Anyways, everyday is basically the same thing. I wake up, brush my teeth, get dressed, go to school, talk to no one (well except Eli, obviously).

Eli and I have known each other ever since 7th grade. My mom was friends with his mom and they made us hang out. He didn't mind, so he was really the only person who even bothered to become my friend. That's what made me like him. And he's such a nice guy.

The only bad thing is that he has no idea I like him, and he has a girlfriend, Amanda.

Amanda is... well.. not a nice girlfriend. I mean, don't get me wrong, she's a nice girl, but not nice with Eli for some reason.

One time at lunch, he was sitting by himself eating a sandwich, waiting for her. She walked in, but when she saw him she just ignored him and walked back out. If I had a say in this, I'd say she doesn't deserve him. But I would never say that, that's a terrible thing to say. So I just keep my mouth shut and watch.


It's lunch time and me and Eli are sitting down waiting for Amanda.

"I wanna buy her lunch today," Eli says in a sing-song voice.

"That's if she doesn't ignore you again," I said under my breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothin'," I quickly covered.

Before Eli could question me Amanda came and sat down between us.

"Hey, sweetie," Eli smiled, "can I

buy you lunch today?"

"No, thanks," Amanda said without even looking at him.

After about 2 minutes of awkward silence between us three, a guy came up to our table and summoned up all of his courage to ask,

"Amanda, may I buy you lunch today?" He couldn't even look her in the eyes.

"Sure," she said, surprising us all, and quickly left.

I turned to Eli,

!"No offence, but why do you put up with her if she always ditches you like that?"

"Shut up!" he lashed out. I looked down and my half-eaten veggie burger.

"I'm sorry, Sky. I didn't mean that. I just get really upset when she's not around."

"It's okay, I shouldn't have said anything,"

He poked my forehead, "Aw don't be down, besides, tomorrow's a special day! You don't wanna get wrinkles,"

"What's tomorrow?"

"Don't tell me you could forget something like that!" he gasped.

I stayed silent.

"Skyy," he whined, "tomorrow's your 17th birthday!"

Oh yeah. That. I never really liked my birthdays these past few years, because my mom would always try to find me a boyfriend. It would never work out because I'd barely say 3 sentences to them and my older brother, Blake, would "sneak" pictures. He couldn't make it any more obvious..

I pouted.

"Well, you don't look excited,"

"I- um- well.. no,"

"Yeah, I know, your mom and brother. But that's okay! This year I'll help make it good just watch," he grinned and nudged my arm.

I'm doomed.

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