the news

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(Little info for ya here)
Tony has been sick for a few days with a bad cold. Steve had asked Bruce to do a few tests on his lover to make sure he's doing okay. Then Bruce had these results.

Tony lay on a bed in the lab. Bruce had just finished taking some tests and was just waiting for the results. Steve run a hand through his impatient lovers hair. Tony was constantly shifting around "Bruce, are they ready yet?" Bruce turned around "not yet Tony, try to relax".

Tony whined a bit "Tony, babe, be patient" he whined again and flailed his arms around "you don't know me at all". Steve giggle at Tony's little temper tantrum and Tony glared at him "meanie".

Finally the results were done and Bruce came back over, reading the results. He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose "well it seems Tony's cold is almost out of his system, that and something else". Steve's brow furrowed "what do you mean, something else?" "Well, looking at this, it says that Tony's body is capable of conceiving a child". Both Tony's and Steve's jaw's dropped. Tony grabbed Steve's hand "so me and Stevie can have a baby?"
Bruce smiled "yes you can, but like a woman you only have twenty eight days to conceive, then for seven days you can't and so on and so forth".

Tony looks generally freaked out "what, like a, like a period!". Bruce chuckled "not really, you don't bleed, but the rest, yeah, you have that" "great, note the sarcasm". Bruce just giggled and put the papers on the table, taking his glasses off "you're free to go, if you need anything I'm here to help, Oooh and by the way, this is your last day so you can start conceiving tomorrow".

Tony hopped off the bed "and that must be why I felt even more like crap while being ill as I do now" "correct" "see Ya banner" and with a little wave the lovers left the lab for breakfast.

Nat was already up and cooking breakfast. She turned around and set out some plates on the table. "Good morning Steve, morning Tony" "good morning tasha" Steve beamed. Tony grunted in return and crossed his arms around his stomach "stupid pain". Steve rubbed his back sympathetically "need us to wake up the guys?".

"Nope" they heard Loki say. They turned around "what?" "It's just Clint and Thor that need waking, I was just gonna do it" "we'll help, c'mon Tony" "yeah, yeah whatever". First they go to Clint's room. Loki knocks on the door "Clinton, wake up!" He yelled. "No, I'm sleeping" Loki knocked again "get up!" "No". By this time Tony was getting irritated. He growled under his breath and harshly knocked again "Barton you have five seconds to get up or I'll come in there and drag you up"..."still not". With another growl Tony ordered JARVIS to open the door and they marched in.

Steve tried to calm him but it wasn't working. Tony yanked away the duvet and yelled "get the fuck up!". Clint rolled his eyes and got up "what's wrong with you?". Tony growled again "ASK JARVIS" and stormed out.

Loki looked at Steve and they followed after Tony. Clint got dressed and followed them. Thankfully the noise woke Thor up and he was already walking down the hall. Loki stopped him and asked "have you seen Tony?"
Thor nodded "yeah, he just went into the lounge, he was crying though, did you upset him?" "It's nothing Thor, c'mon guys".

They found Tony curled up on the couch crying. Everyone looked at Steve and he gestured for them to back off. He sat down and gently pulled Tony onto his lap. "Hey babe, will you open your eyes for me" Steve spoke softly, stroking Tony's hair. "My stomach hurts and my head hurts" Tony moaned and opened his eyes, curling into a ball again.

Steve suddenly got an idea and slid his hand up his lovers shirt. "Stevie, what are you-" he started but cut himself off as Steve began to rub soothing circles on his aching stomach. "Thanks Stevie, I love you" he whispered. Steve kissed his forehead and whispered back "you're welcome love, do Ya wanna try tomorrow, if you're ready" "yeah, let's do that". "Breakfast!" Nat announced. "Right then, c'mon hon, let's get you some food".

~~~~next day, around lunch~~~~

Tony sat on the couch, waiting for Steve. He went out an hour ago to get some tests. The elevator dinged and Steve stepped out, the box in his hands.   He walked over to the couch and Tony stood up, both smiling. "You ready Stevie?" "As ready as I'll ever be". Tony took Steve's hand and they went to their room. Clint tilts his head "why are they so happy?" "I believe Mr stark and Mr Rodgers are trying for a baby" JARVIS said. Clint smiles and yells "finally!, you owe me shwarma odinson" "of course Clinton, I shall go get you your shwarma" and Thor leaves.

~~~~~~~~~~~meanwhile in Steve and Tony's room~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Hey there, soldieeeerrrr" Tony purred. Steve had the faintest blush on his cheeks as he crawled on top of his lover. "Hey there-" Steve pauses to kiss Tony's chest "genius". Tony giggles and locks his lips with Steve's "*moans* I... Love... You... Stevie" Tony breathed. Steve trailed kisses up his chest and neck "mmmm, I love you too baby" and they begin to undress each other.

~~~two hours of passion later~~~

Tony and Steve lay in bed. Tony's head resting on Steve's chest "Stevie?" "Yeah Tony" "do you think it worked?". Steve smiled and sat up, placing his hand on Tony's stomach "y'know what I think?" Tony closed his eyes, exhausted from their heated session. "Mmm?" "I think that our son or daughter is growing inside you right now, waiting Patiently to come out and meet his daddy's" Steve said, putting emphasis on the word patient.

Tony rolls his eyes at Steve's comment and yawned. Steve smiled and kissed Tony's forehead, leaving the room to let him sleep. He goes back to the lounge and nods at Bruce, he nods back and carry's on with his work. Steve sits down and Natasha joins him. "So, you think you did it?" Natasha asked him. He yawned "I hope so, we really want a child" Natasha puts her hand on his shoulder "I hope so as well, you look tired, get some sleep". So he did.

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