the waiting game

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One month later

Now nine months pregnant, Tony has had some sort of burst of independence. Always trying to do stuff on his own with Steve trying to keep him resting. Right now Steve's out the room and Tony's trying to reach for a cup. Steve then come back in and and yelled "Anthony Edward stark!, what the fuck do you think you're doing?". He goes straight to Tony's side and lifts him off the chair bridle style, sitting him on it "I was reaching for a cup" he said, slowly easing himself back up again and walking past him.

Steve turned around and followed "no, what you were doing was risking your safety and the twins". Tony groaned and flung his hands up into the air "lay off me Steve, I'm not a child". Steve scoffed "well you're acting like one, you. need. rest" "no Steve, I don't need fucking rest" Tony yelled.

Right in the middle of their argument the team walked in. "Yes you do Tony, you're nine months fucking pregnant, you should be taking care of yourself" "just shut your mother fucking mouth Steven and leave me alone" Tony went to walk past him again and Steve grabbed his arm "no Tony, I will not leave you alone". Tony tried getting away from him but failed "Steve let go, you're hurting me".

To stop it going further, Clint and Thor stepped in. Thor held Steve away from Tony while Clint tried calling him down. Lora then came over and slapped Steve across the face "what the fuck was that for?!" "That was for yelling at Tony and hurting him, are you okay Tony?".

Tony started crying into Clint's shoulder "it's alright". "Tasha, could you please take Tony to a different room, try to calm him down while I deal with him" lora said. She nodded and took Tony out of the room. Once they were gone, lora turned around and faced Steve again, switching her gaze between both Thor and him "y'know you two are as bad as each other, Thor would yell at me sometimes when I was pregnant and even hurt me at some points, mother wouldn't even let you within five feet of me, and now you Steven, how you can be trusted to be with Tony is beyond me, he doesn't deserve that".

Steve just hung his head and silently cried. Once Thor let go off him he ran off to his room and locked the door.

Meanwhile in Tasha's room ~~~

Tony sat at the end of the bed, head in hands, still crying. Tasha is sat next to him, rubbing his back. "It's alright Tony, Lora's dealing with him" "why would he do that, I thought he loved me *sobs*". Tasha sighed and wrapped her arms around him "he does love you sweetie, he just needs to calm down and realise what he's done".

Tasha looked down and saw the bruise forming on Tony's arm. She shook her head and continued to calm him. Suddenly Tony winced as he put his hand on his stomach. Tasha frowned and unwrapped him from her arms. "What's wrong?" Tony looked up at her "I think these twins are ready to come out now".

"Are you having contractions?" Tasha asked, trying to sound calm.

"Yes, help me please"

"Has your water broke yet?"

"No, but can you help before it does please"

"Alright, upsie daisy" and tasha eased Tony up.

They walked out the room and went to find Bruce, he was in the lounge still. Tony groaned as another contraction hit him and grasped Tasha's hand. Bruce heard this and turned around. He gasped and came over "is he okay?" "He's having contractions, they're every three minutes and last thirty seconds" "has his water broke yet?". Tony gripped her hand tighter "not yet, and I'm not waiting around till it does" he growled through gritted teeth. Bruce nodded "alright, let's get you to the lab, Clint, could you come with me please" "yup". Bruce and Clint took Tony to the lab. Tasha sighed "I'm getting Steve, he may have done what he's done but Tony needs him there for the birth".

Instead of protesting, lora just nodded "okay, you going alone?" "that might be best". She went to Steve's room and knocked on the door. "Steve, it's nat, can you let me in?" "*muffled* okay". Steve unlocked the door and let her in "what up?" "Tony's just gone into  labour with the twins, he needs you Steve". He thought for a moment and nodded "alright" and followed he to the lab.

In the lab

"Tony breath, like this *imitates breathing*". Tony was laying on a white bed panting, Bruce at his side trying to calm his breathing, and Clint was passed out on the floor. "I am breathing"
Tony growled. The contractions were coming faster and lasting longer.

Finally tasha came in with Steve right behind her. Steve slowly came to Tony's side and hesitantly held his hand. "I'm so so so sorry Tony, I don't know what I was thinking, you know I love you and would do everything to protect you, even from myself". Tony smiled through the pain "I love you too baby and I forgive you, you were just trying to look after me".

Steve looked over the other side of the need and saw Clint. "Ummm, why is Clint on the floor?" "Oh he passed out when I was checking Tony and he saw". Tasha rolled he eyes and dragged Clint outta the room. "*groan* make it stop, please make it stop" Tony cried. Steve shushed him and ran his hand through Tony's hair "I can't baby, just breath". Tony begins panting again and Steve has to lay his hand on Tony's chest to stop him "honey, copy my breathing *imitates breathing*". Tony nods and copy's "it's...not...working...*screams*" he cried again.

Bruce came over and checked Tony again. "Alright ton, it's time to start pushing" he said. Tony whined "you can do this honey, just hold my hand, I'm right here". Steve held Tony's hand as Bruce got him positioned "I want you to push on three okay" Tony nodded "alright then, one...two...three...push!".

Tony gripped Steve's hand tighter and pushed "AAAARRRRGGGGHHH!?!" .

"Keep pushing for five more seconds,, stop". Tony groaned and took several deep breaths "okay, you have about twenty seconds before the next contraction and I want you to push harder". Steve wiped the sweat of Tony's forehead "Stevie?" "Yeah baby" "I just wanted to tell you that I love you so much and that these baby's have the best father ever". Steve smiled "awww, I love you too honey and you're gonna be a great daddy too" Tony smiled back but then winced in pain "*groan* twenty seconds my ass, GAAAAAAAAHHHHH!?!".

~~~~Half an hour later a baby girl with blonde hair was born ~~~~

Bruce wrapped the squirming and crying baby in a pink blanket and laid her in a Moses basket. Tony took some deep breaths and laid back "how do ya feel honey?" "Tired". Bruce came back over "well I'm afraid you don't have much time to relax, the other one will be along shortly" "ugh, leave me alone, I already had a baby" "hehehe, c'mon honey, you're half way there". Bruce told Tony to push on the next contraction "AAAARRRRGGGGHHH!?!".

~~~~~another half hour later another baby girl with brown hair was born ~~~~~

Tony smiled as one of his two baby girls were placed in his arms and the other in Steve's. "So what are you gonna call them?"
Tony and Steve looked at each other and smiled "we're gonna call the blonde one layla Ann stark/Rodgers" "and the other one Amy carter stark/Rodgers"  "those are great names" "thank you".

Knock knock

"Hey, can we come in?" "Sure, be quiet though, especially you Thor" "gotcha". Bruce let the guys in and they all stood around Tony's bed. When they saw the twins they instantly awww'ed "so what are their names?" Clint whispered. "The one I'm holding is layla and Steve is holding amy" "they're so adorable, can I hold one?" Lora asked "Sure, take Amy, she's calmer than layla at the moment, she won't even go to Stevie".

Steve handed Amy to her and she cooed at lora straight away. "Looks like she likes you lora" "I guess she does, hi baby". Amy latched onto Lora's finger with her tiny hand and cooed again "*giggles* you and your sister are the luckiest girls in the world".

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