hormonal Tony

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Four months later

"Good morning sunshine" Tony- beamed, caressing Steve's cheek. Steve opens his eyes and smiled, propping his head up on his hand "morning honey, how long you been awake?" "Not long". Steve raises his brow "okay, a few hours, no big deal" "why?" "The baby's were kicking". Steve sat up "they weren't kicking me, they were kicking each other" "awww, my poor baby". Kick kick. "Will you two quit that *stomach growls* I'm hungry" "hehehe, c'mon love, Bruce is cooking breakfast" "mmm, yum, help me up please" "sure". Tony swung his legs over the edge of the bed, Steve helped him the rest of the way, one hand on his back and the other on his stomach. "Thanks babe" Tony smiled and leaned up to kissed the soldier "you're welcome love".

They go into the kitchen and for at the table, everyone's there but lora and tasha. Tony sits on one if the style that have a back, Steve next to him. "Where lora?" Bruce turned around and wiped his hands on a clothe "she's in the bathroom, y'know....doing things". Steve makes an 'o' face "will she be okay?" "Yeah, nat's with her, she needed a bit of help" "Kay". After a while they come back in "hey girls, breakfast". Tasha and lora sit down next to each other and and Bruce places a plate of pancakes in front of both of them as well as to Steve and Tony. He gives lora a kiss on the cheek and turns back around "so how Ya doing Tony?" Tasha asked.

"Meh, the twins keep kicking each other" he replied. Everyone's eyes go wide, then Steve remembers and face palmed "right, we didn't tell you, okay.... Well Ta-ta, were having twins". Thor beamed "even more amazing news Tony and Steve!?!" "Thor, for the love of Benji, stop shouting!?" Tony yelled back, and slammed his head on the table, luckily his arms were there to protect his head from the blow.

Everyone shot a glare at Thor and he hung his head. Tasha got out of her chair and went to Tony. She put her hand on his back, feeling his shoulders shake "he's crying, Thor you made him cry". Thor sunk back in his chair "*quieter* I'm sorry" lora shakes her head "you've gotta stop doing that, you did that to me when I was pregnant with slepnir" "again, sorry".

Tony feels another kick and shoots up straight. "They kicked again, Stevie gimmi your hand" Tony takes his hand and lays it where the twins kicked. Kick kick kick. "They're kicking even more than before, Oooh this must be killing you" "kinda, ummm Stevie, your hand has sorta wandered down to places that I preferred to stay untouched for a while". Steve looks down and retracts his hand, blushing like mad "sorry about that" "Awww you're blushing". The team laughed and Tony stood up "where ya going?" "*mumbled* to pee" and he left.

Clint let out an exaggerated sigh "wow he's hormonal" "yup" "good luck stevo" "thanks for that".

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