again brother?

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Steve is sat on the couch bouncing Amy on his lap while Tony feeds layla. The twins are now nine months old and counting. Lora has now turned back into Loki, still in heat, and Bruce and him are still together.

Loki came into the kitchen and went straight to the fridge, pulling out a pudding cup. "Loki, what are you eating?" Clint asked as he came in. Loki shrugged and replied with a mouthful "a pudding cup" "right, next time tell me when you don't have a mouthful of pudding" Loki shrugged again and sat on the counter.

Layla started to squirm and spit up on Tony "nice, thanks layla, let's go get cleaned up". Tony held the baby away from him slightly and left the room. "I thought you didn't like pudding Loki" he shrugged again "Meh, I wanted it, so I ate it". Bruce came in "that's what she said, hey honey" and he stood in between Loki's legs. "Hmm, pudding cup?, really honey" Loki finished and threw the rubbish in the bin and the spoon in the sink "I do what I want" and he gave Bruce a quick kiss before jumping off the counter.

Bruce stopped him and hugged him from behind, wrapping his arms around his waist and put his chin on Loki's shoulder. "You're not yourself Loki, whys that?" Loki turns around and puts his hands on Bruce's hips "it's nothing love, don't worry about it" and moved away again. Bruce stopped him "nu'uh, are seriously gonna make me waste time in the lab to show you what you know already?" "No".

"Then tell me ikol, is what I'm thinking true?". Loki smiled and nodded "surprise!". Bruce beamed and gave Loki a kiss "oh my God!, you're pregnant, that's amazing!" "I know". Tony stood up and walked over to them with Amy on his hip "Loki's pregnant, well done Brucie" "bah bah bah"
"Amy, you've just been fed" Amy wasn't talking no for an awnser, she screamed into her father's ear "BAAAAH!" "alright, alright, c'mon". Tony went away again to feed Amy, again.

Little did they know Tony had texted the rest of the team the news. Just ten minutes later, Thor and tasha came home, followed by Steve and baby layla after cleaning up. Everyone had a smile on their faces but Thor, he looked annoyed. "Bruce, Loki, wonderful news!" Steve announced. Bruce face palmed "Tony". Tasha have them both a hug "I can't believe you're pregnant Loki, this is amazing, Congrats" "thanks tasha".

Thor came over and crossed his arms over his chest. "Again brother?" Loki frowned "hey!" "you had a kid before, at a young age, now you're pregnant again, what's gotten into you?". Bruce hugged Loki close protectively "don't start Thor, you should be happy for Loki, he is your brother after all". Thor sighed "you're right Bruce, I'm sorry for being so horrible to you about this, I guess what I should be saying is...congratulations brother and Dr banner".

Thor gave Loki a soft hug "you and Bruce will make great parents" "*tears up* that's so sweet, thank you brother" "you're welcome, now let's get you some baby stuff".

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