(Chapter 2)

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I woke up to see the sun coming in through the window. I sat up and ran my hand through my hair, untangling the knots. I knew I needed a shower but my stomach grumbled, signaling that the shower would have to wait.

I got off the bed and fixed my clothes, which was the same I had on yesterday. The black shirt, black jeans, and black combat boots. Everything but the cloak. My eyes wandered around the room and found the cloak hanged on a small wardrobe.

The door creaked open as I left the room and walked into the kitchen. The kitchen was simple. It had a small stove (powered by wood or coal), a table of four, and a cabinet. No fridge. I looked through the cabinet and pulled out a loaf of bread and a a small jar with jam.

I struggled to get the lid off the jar. It seemed to be stuck.

"Need help?" I gasped and almost dropped the jar.

I turned around and saw the man -Matt- standing by the doorway.

"Yea." I breathed. I handed him the jar and he popped it open, looking at me from the corner of his eye.

"I'm sorry if I startled you," he said and handed the now open jar back to me, "I'm not used to someone being here."

"Doesn't, uhm, what about Cruven?" I asked him.

"No. He doesn't live here. He lives more in the town. I don't think you noticed because you were passed out when I brought you here. We're a little away from town." he said.

I nodded. "Do you want some breakfast?" I asked motioning to the bread with jam I was making.

He made a weird face. "Sure." he said slowly.

I narrowed my eyes at him and started making us both some bread with jam. He walked over to a cabinet and took out two plates, putting them besides me.

"Why'd you make that face?" I asked him. I finished the bread and placed one in each plate.

"What face?" he was leaning on the counter next to me and avoided meeting my eyes.

"That one you made when I asked if you wanted some bread." I said. "What was it?"

Matt shook his head. "A memory." was all he said.

We sat on the table and started eating breakfast. It was silent as we ate.

"What do you do here exactly?" I asked him. "Do you have jobs?"

"No. They're not really necessary since everyone has their own food. Money doesn't really matter here." he said and took a bite of his bread.

"Your own food?" I asked. I also took a bite of my bread and discovered that the jam was made of grapes.

"Mmhm. My crops and stuff are on the back." he said and motioned to a door which I assumed led to the back "yard" of the house.


"Yea. Here, I'll show you." he put his chair back and got up. I followed his actions and he walked over to me.

His hand grabbed mine and he started walking to the door. I was shocked but decided not to say anything. He stopped abruptly and dropped my hand.

"I, uhm...I'm sorry." he said and slightly dropped his head, bringing his hand to rub the back of his neck.

"It's okay." I whispered. He looked over to me and I gave him a small reassuring smile.

He started walking again and I followed him. He opened the door and stepped out. I did the same.

The crops made up a garden. From what I saw, there were many vegetables, including carrots, tomatoes, and others. I also saw that he was growing wheat and some fruit, like grapes and strawberries. I also saw an apple tree.

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