(Chapter 5)

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What comes after death? Better yet, if you die while being in an afterlife, where do you go? Is light supposed to be an option?

My lungs begged for air as the water was no longer over me. I felt the hard ground around me, and now, the chill I got from the wind and my wet clothes. I felt something push down on my chest, and finally, air filled my lungs.

My eyes shot open as I gulped a breath of air. Hovering above me was Matt. His hair was wet and plastered to his face. His bare chest was also wet and his face had a worried expression.

His hands held my face as he looked me over. "You're okay." he said.

"I am now." I croaked, coughing a little.

"What happened? Why would you do that?" he asked me.

"I heard someone call me. I turned to see where it came from and I tripped over something and fell into the lake." I said quickly. "How'd you...how'd you find me?"

His eyes looked deep into mine, as if he knew that what I had just told him was a lie. I looked away from his knowing eyes and they wandered over his bare chest. I couldn't help but notice how fit he was. And tattooed.

And it reminded me an awful lot of the man I had seen in the vision.

"Let's go home." he finally said.

I finally looked up to his eyes, but he had averted them and was now standing up. He offered me his hand and I took it. I got up to my feet and followed him home.


I woke up again because of the coldness I felt. Matt had given me warm clothes and two blankets because the chill of the water didn't seem to leave my body.

I turned in the bed and faced the door. There he was. On a chair close to the bed was Matt. He was asleep, just like last time. He had his elbow resting on the arm rest while his head was leaning on his hand. His mouth was slightly parted as slow, soft breaths escaped his lips. And he was beautiful.

I had seen it before, of course. Everything, from his striking hazel eyes to his heart warming smile, was beautiful. The thought had crossed my mind since the first days I was here with him. Yet, over the time, the small attraction I felt towards him seemed to grow. The cause of this was his personality. He tries to hide it, but whenever bits of it slip from the wall he's built, he seems to make me like him more.

He stirred in the chair and his eyes slowly opened. I quickly closed my eyes, hoping he hadn't caught me staring.

"You're awake." his voice was soft and sounded tired.

I opened my eyes in embarrassment as I tried to avoid his gaze.

"Yes." I muttered.

"Did you need anything?" he asked, standing up.

I shook my head. "No. I just...woke up."

His eyes scanned my face and I looked down at the blankets.

"I'll um...I'll be in my room, so if you need anything, just call me." he turned to leave and I kept my eyes on his back.

"Wait." I said.

He turned to face me and my eyes shot back to my hands.

"What is it?" I heard him say.

"I was...uhm...do you mind staying here, with, uhm, me?" I looked up at him. "I just feel more comfortable."

The corners of his mouth twitched. "You don't seem comfortable right now." he said. I'm pretty sure he was talking about my shaky voice.

"It's the...I'm just cold." I said softly.

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