Chapter 3 (part 1)

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Chapter 3 (part 1):

Callie's POV

There, standing Smack Bam in the middle of my kitchen dressed in a gray gamer t-shirt and dark-wash jeans, was a person I hadn't seen in six years.


I ran over and gave him a big bear hug. He returned it and lifted me off my feet, spinning me around, and then putting me down again.

When I looked up at him he was smiling down at me. He still looked the exact same except he had a little facial scruff instead of the hair-free face that I was used too. His deep blue eyes always staring deep into your soul making you scared to tell the smallest bluff in fear that he would spot it out. He had always been fit but I noticed his muscles had grown bigger as well.

He looked me up and down before pulling me into another hug and saying, "I missed you soo much sis, you wouldn't believe. Life's been so boring and mom and dad miss you a lot as well. Nothing's the same without you!"

I chuckled, "I missed you too David. A lot."

He once again let me go. I noticed his smile waver slightly while he asked, "What happened to you? No offence but it looks like you were caught in the middle of hurricane's a path."

I looked down at myself still in my neon zigzag and manure covered pants, my hair was probably a rat's nest because of me franticly trying to wash the manure out of it in the washroom sinks with brown stinky chunks that refused to come out and instead just spread around.

"Yeah . . ." I trailed off, "I guess you could say I've had a tough year."

"Well, you don't have to worry anymore because your big bad brother is here. Actually now that I have you here, your six years are up and you can come home now. That's why I'm here actually, to bring you home."

I looked up at him. I was happy to leave but part of me didn't want to leave Leo even after everything he had done to me and how many times he had made me cry, I felt some sort of connection between us. I know call me crazy, but that's what I honestly thought.

I opened my mouth and then closed it. I needed to get away from this place, how come I was so excited to leave until I actually do have to go. I sighed, I needed to do this. I took a deep breath, "okay, let me get some stuff and we can head out."

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