Chapter 14

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I know Callie was mad at me for following her but what did she expect? I was not going to leave my mate alone with some bastard, it doesn't matter if she hates me or not because either way I still care for her. As soon as she had run off I had painfully waited a few minutes before I went out after her so that she wouldn't hear me coming. I wouldn't reveal myself unless necessary.

Which brings me to now, I stepped out of the trees and into the clearing that Callie and Than were in. 

All the while Callie was scolding me for being here and following her after she told me not to, I couldn't help but analyse Than. Callie had been right, his eyes were a very deep, intense purple and he looked like a very buff man. But that wasn't the thing that made me automatically hate him, no, that was the huge smirk he had across his face that just screamed "I'm up to no good!".

Than's smirk grew impossibly cockier, "Well this is going to be interesting."

Than stood up and walked to Callie, starting to slowly circle around her with probing eyes. "It's been a long time, you've changed Call."

"So I have," Callie replied, you could hear her queen features in her voice, strong and empowering.

"But," Than started lifting a finger. "I can still see the old you underneath all those blocks."

"Hmm, can you now?" Callie replied with an eye roll.

"Unquestionably so." Damn this bastard was taunting me even if he wasn't aware of it.

I know I might regret it later but I couldn't help but just stand back and let them resolve their issues. Maybe that decision had a bit to do with the fact that how they knew each other was all still a mystery to me, and I don't like it that I don't know how he knows my mate.

"Call?" Than asked walking to the middle of the clearing before turning towards her. "Remember that night by the waterfall, what you said to me?"

Callie's face paled immediately at the reference causing a growl to arouse deep down inside of me. Whatever happened that night, she obviously didn't want a reminder.

"That was the night that I discovered how stupid I was for believing you," Callie said quietly but firm.

"I was more going for the fact that, that night you told me you loved me," Than replied. I thought I saw his eyes flick to me for a minute as if analysing my reaction. But before I could take in if that was the case, his eyes were back on Callie.

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