Together Forever

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Vincent was silent for a depriving point in time. He sucked in a breath and led me to the bed before letting out a long exhale.  

"It was Evan Sterls, Ivy. Partially." 

I looked fixedly at him. "Start from the beginning." I sat on the bed while he paced.  

"Okay. Three years ago, everyone knew we were having a problem with the rogues. They attacked us when they got bored or wanted something. Usually, it could be dealt with. But this time, they wanted something else." He looked me striaght in the eye. "They wanted you, Ivy."  

Flabbergasted, I gaped. "Why?" 

What was so special about me? I was no one yet someone. I was just your typical wolf. I'd seen much prettier wolves out there. Why not want them?  

"One of them was... infatuated with you."  

What the hell? Was I supposed to believe this? There was a rogue out there who was... intrigued by me? The thought was appalling to me. I didn't like rogues.  

"Who?" I wanted to know who this rogue was even if I probably wouldn't know them anyway.  

Vincent sighed. "Evan."

No. Way. Evan Sterls? A.K.A. Ben Sterls? The joker boy from high school? There must be some mistake in this equation. Ben was so not interested in me. Just because I received a hug from him while he was naked as the day he was born, meant nothing. Lots of other girls in the locker room had received that birthday gift of a hug, too. Now that I think back, Ben might've let his hug linger a bit too long.  

And the hot dog down my shirt? I'm sure that was nothing except part of a good ole' food fight. Food was everywhere, so why not down my shirt? It was the front of my shirt, too. He had specifically shoved in down there, as well. But I hadn't payed attention because it was a food fight and no one could afford to get distracted during a war like that.  

Then there was the time he saved me from that lunch detention. He didn't have to slap that teacher's butt in such a crude manner. But he did. Just so I wouldn't have detention. At the time, I'd laughed it off and called it my luck.  

Still, I didn't even know Ben was a wolf until Vincent told me so. Along with that is the fact that his name is Evan, not Ben.  

Vincent continued while I tried to process my thoughts. "Evan...wanted you. I didn't even know until he confronted me with his rogue pack. He managed to catch me alone and, well...he threatened me with you. He said he would do things to you..." His face darkened as he went on. "He said he would rip you limb by limb and send me all the pieces one by one. I didn't take him serously. I told him to fuck off before I snapped his scrawny neck. Then when I came to sneak in to your room one night, I saw him. He was in his wolf form, right beneath your window."

Unease crept through me. Ben had went as far as watching me through my window?  

Vincent's pacing grew more furious. "I still didn't take the little bastard seriously. Then one day, I came to your room but you weren't there. I asked your parents where you were even though they didn't like me. They said they didn't know. I freaked out, thinking Evan had put his threat to action. Fortunately, I found you by trailing your scent. Do you remember? I found you by the lake with that idiot. You two were laughing and he had his arm around you."

That memory was the most insignificant memory I had of being with Ben. If Vincent hadn't mentioned it right now, I would've probably never recalled it. It was after school and I decided to walk. Before I could even take my first step forward, Ben was by my side. He'd started joking and pulling goofy faces. I'd laughed so hard that day, I thought I would never laugh again. Ben fell into step with me and instead of walking home, we ended up at the lake. We started to skip rocks and I had accidently hit him in the crotch with one of the pebbles. I'd laughed my head off when he told me I'd ruined his family jewels. As a sign of forgiveness, he'd swung his arm around my shoulders at the same convenient time that Vincent popped up. 

Vincent's whole demeanor changed when he saw me with Ben. I thought the anger emanating off him in waves was just his normal possessiveness, but it was more than that.  

He thought Ben had hurt me or worse.

"After Evan pulled off that stunt, I started to take him more seriously. Then that murder happened later on that week. That girl, Tracy? I remember hearing about her being murdered and thinking nothing of it. Until I saw her picture at school. She had the same features as you and immediately, I knew that psycho had done it. I confronted him, too. He didn't deny or admit to it. But he did tell me you were going to be next. He said there was a way I could stop it, though. He said all I had to do was leave you. I don't know why I listened. I was a coward. I was weak. All I could think about was protecting you. But I didn't protect you."  

He let out a bitter laugh. "I almost brought you to your death." 

I reached me hand out to him. "Vincent..." 

He recoiled from my touch, eyes blazing. "No. I don't deserve this. I don't deserve you. All I ever did was ruin your life. I broke you. I... could never forgive myself for this and neither should you. Admit it. I'm the worst thing thay's ever happened to you!" His voice escalated at the end and I was afraid he'd start shouting.  

I stood up and closed the distance between us. Every step I took forward, he took back until he was against the wall, trying to get as far away from me as possible. I tried not to feel hurt.  

He was right, though. My life had been ruined. But it wasn't his fault. It was mine. I had let myself get caught up in my grief. I had done this to myself. Not him. All he ever wanted was to protect me and that touched my very soul.  

"Vincent," I spoke softly, "I could never blame you, even if I wanted to. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I can't stand to lose you. You're wonderful, sweet, and the most perfect guy in the world. No matter what you think, I will always love you, Vincent. Don't forget that. I'm yours and your mine."  

Darkness and silence were the only things between us now. He looked at me with an unreadable expression and I hoped I had said the right thing. I didn't care that he had left me, anymore. I just wanted him to never leave again. I wanted my Vincent back, forever.  

I was pretty sure I had said that last statement aloud because Vincent said, "I'll be with you forever if that's what you want, Ivy."  

I slowly nodded my head and it was the perfect timing for a kiss. Except I had one more question.  

"What happens when Evan realizes your back?"  

Vincent tensed and I silently cursed myself for ruining the moment.  

"I don't know what's going to happen, but I refuse to ever leave you, Ivy. I will tear that guy to shreds if he even thinks about stepping foot near you." 

My heart swelled with love, pride, and passion.  

Now was the moment to kiss and that's exactly what we did.  

Our lips found one another's in the dark. He picked me up, not breaking our lip lock and put me on the bed. Goosebumps spread along my skin from his touch and being cold. He lightly laughed.  

He broke away from the kiss and bent over the side of the bed, grabbing his shirt. Was he leaving?  

He proved me wrong by slipping the shirt over my head. I lifted my arms to help him out and then he unbuttoned my jeans, sliding them off me. Then he pulled me close. Real close. Our bodies were flush together and I could feel almost every part of him against me. Touching.  

He pressed the softest of kisses on my forehead and I snuggled into him more.  

"Sweet dreams, Poison Ivy."  

I smiled against his bare chest. "Night, Vincent."



Yeah, so, this chapter was pretty short. I'll try to make the next one longer and more exciting. :)


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