Chapter 3

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Muffing my scream with my hands I turned around to grab my lacrosse stick witch always stood next to my desk, but it was gone, turning around, Devin was off the bed and was now standing in front of me.                                                                                                                                                                          “How the hell did you get into my house!?” I demanded.                                                                               “Your front door was unlocked, you should really consider locking things around here” Devin said. How DEAR HE! i shouted in my head after leaving me, rejecting me In the most nastiest way, sure we were young, but still!. “I highly recommend you to remover yourself from my property before things get violent” I said rising my head slightly. Devin shock his head and stayed put,                         “I’m not leaving until you hear me out Rabbit” Devin replied. He had been back in my life for only twelve hours and I was ready to kill him. Taking a deep and closed my eyes, I opened them and taking a deep breath I pulled my arm back and made connection to his face. He moved one foot back out of shock and rubbed his noise, it wasn’t bleeding, buggar  I thought to myself, as I went for another hit but  Devin caught my hand and spun me around so my back was pressed up against his chest, his chest was rising and falling quickly but slowed down quickly                                             “nice shot, I personally was thinking you where more of a kicker instead of the boxer type” Devin said close to my ear, his warm breath brushing across my ear, sending pleaser chills around my body “I warned you Devil, now realise me” he still had a hold of me and slowly released me, as if he wanted to new let me out of his grip.                                                                                                                 “you have four minutes to explain then I get to kick you out. Deal?” I said. He nodded in agreement. He turned and sat on the end of my queen sized bed, he patted the spot nexted to him as to encourage me to sit with him. Year right I picked up the wooden chair that I sat in at my desk and turned it around facing him “time starts now” I said looking at my watch. He looked at me then did a high sigh.                                                                                                                                                         “Fine. Roxanne, do you remember the day that I left? The day where you said you loved me in return?” got to be kidding me “I sadly do, that’s a suppressed memory now though. Three minutes and fifty-one seconds” I replied. “Ok, well you remember before that, that you never ever met my father? Well the reason I had to leave was because I really did fall in love with you, and I told my father that I was in love with you and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you” he said, stopping to see if I was still listening, I nodded for him to continued, he was right, I never met his father but I heard him yell at Devin and the cuts and burses on Deveins body to be thankful that I hadn’t. “Anyway, when I told father that I loved you, he went wild. He was so angry, angrier and scarier then I had ever seen before. He shouted at me saying that I could never love a mortal human being that our kinds don’t mix together that we could never be. He was shouting at me saying it would never be aloud. But I didn’t believe him, I knew our kind was different then yours, but I loved you. So I stood up against him, for the first time, I stood my ground, I told him you where different, you’re where kind, smart, strong and brave. That you always looked after the underdogs. Well he didn’t like it that I was standing up to him, he said “if this girl means so much to you, why haven’t you claimed her? Regain your strength to own her?” I knew what he meant. I went silent. He knew I wasn’t ready, but he was whiling to force me “fine, either take it or we leave this place and you can claim others?” I couldn’t claim it, it was yours. That was you. So I chose to leave, and save you, but I knew it would hurt you, but I rather that then what may happen if I took it” silence filled the room, Devin had his head down the hole time he was speaking, so when he looked he could see me sitting there with my mouth open.                                                                                                                                                      “hang on you have completely confused the swiz zizz out of me? I’m mortal? Take what of mine? And become what?” I said leaning forward on my chair inching a bit closer to him. He nodded         “ok that was a little fast and skipping major parts. Ok. Rox’s promise me you won’t freak out and go weird on me?” I nodded brace you’re self girly shits about to get real I commanded myself. He nodded and rose from my bed                                                                                                                           “Rox’s, I’m not human, I’m… I’m a Jiva” he said standing in front of me with his hands in side his pockets “a what what?” I said raising one eye brow. He nodded again                                                     “a Jiva is a hear to a thorn, the demon king thorn. My father, if the king demon of all the demons over the world” he said with his lips straight and eyes forced on me intently. It was silent for a moment in my room, till I burst out laughing                                                                                                                         “you’re a Jiva, to be soon king of demons, ha-ha-ha” I rolled off the chair to the floor laughing             “nice one Devin” I cried out. He kneeled down stopping me from rolling on the floor, he put both of this hands on each side of my should, his hands where hot, like he had his hands in hot water for a hour, looking up to meet his gaze I stopped laughing                                                                                   “you’re not joking, are you?” I said looking in to his eyes. Believe me Roxanne, I’m not human unlike you. I hear his voice inside my head which was impossible, scrambling backwards moving away from his touch                                                                                                                                                 “how the hell did you do that?” I whispered, feeling slightly violated, he just entered my head, MY head. “as a Jiva I have more powers then normal demons but not as strong as my fathers are, please Rox’s, do you believe and understand me?” he replied kneeling on the floor only meters from me. As weird and bazaar it all sounded together, it sadly made sense, I knew Devin was different from other kids in Bundyton, and that’s what drew me to him. Now that he had explained to me in person why he left and flat out rejected me all made sense. I rolled my head back looking at the roof, everything made sense now, and I wasn’t scared, or hated Devin anymore. But something wasn’t right. Pulling my head back down I locked eyes with Devin again                                             “why are you back?” I said. It was the one question that had been rolling around in my throbbing head all day. He lowered his head and was quiet for a few minutes. Moving towards him so I was able to reach his shoulders.   “Devin” I said lifting his head up.                                                                 “When we moved, my father and I tried to forget Bundyton, but we couldn’t, I couldn’t forget you. My father tried to force me to take a girls ribbin” he said.                                                                                     “A ribbin? What like the one in girls hair?”                                                                                                         “No, her ribbin of light, her soul, that’s what my father wanted me to take of you, he wanted me to take you’re ribbin” he replied. He was honest witched scared me slightly slowly lifting my hands off his shoulder I slouched down resting on my legs.                                                                                       “What’s so important about our ‘Ribbins?” I ask.                                                                                           “We collect ribbins from everyone who we think is special or is important, those ribbins have the most power. Their nature power, holly power if you want to think about it, our powers are natural too but not as powerful as they are, so we collect the powerfulest ones and we keep them or sell them” he said sliding back to rest against my bed. I understood that but not why his father was pushing him to take one. “Why is your father pushing you?”                                                                                       “Because I’m the Jiva, I’m nexted in line to be king, but so do other demons. So I have to require and accept my full strength to succeed in taking over the thorn from my father. When a Jiva is born it is born from a human wome, and from that we are not full of the demon strengths as of a young age unlike other demon children, but the reason Jiva are born from human mother is because the mother’s soul is the strongest one though-out the land. So in order to fully complete my powers I have to take a soul of someone that I have a deep connection with. Once we have consumed the soul and had merged it with our own we enter our full power and no one stands to take the thrown until the next Jiva is born” he explained. And then everything clicked, like a light bolt had been switched on in my super slow head.                                                                                                       " And that deep bond is with me? You’re father didn’t believe you loved me because it’s not love you’re kind is looking for, but bonds, right?” I asked putting the puzzle together. He returned to confess his love once again to me and then to take my ribbon away from me.                                                         “That’s pretty much it, but it’s not what you’re thinking Rox’s I didn’t return to take you’re ribbin, I came back because someone else is trying to take it” he replied.                                                      “Someone is trying to take it? And it’s not you? Then who is it?” I asked, running a list of suspects through my head, I didn’t have many friends.                                                                                          " I don’t know who, but that’s why I’m back, I had planted watches around Bundyton to watch over you in my absence, and the head watch had reported to me that their where accidence happening over town, more than normal” he did have a point, experience hikers who had hiked theirs woods and hills had die others from random shootings and car crashes, that’s sort of why mum works over time recently. But that didn’t mean anything to do with me, the only thing I was pissed about was that he had in planted “watches”.                                             “Who are the watches?” I asked so I could go head but them.                                                                         “Tim, Jeff and Rachel. Their my most trusted members, don’t be mad at them, they where following orders that they must follow. But enough about that I have to get you away from Bundyton before the unknown person takes you’re ribbin ” he jester to my packed duffel bag witch laid next to my open window.                                                                                                                                                                 “You’re expecting me to run? With you? And leave my mum and so called friends and school? Not gonna happen sweet heart” I told him, standing up and picking the duffel bag away from the window and throwing it in my cupboard.                                                                                                                                                           “I appreciate in what you’re saying and trying to do, and I believe you, it’s just I’m not one to run from a fight. If they won’t my ribbin badly, then let them try and take it, I won’t go down without a fight” Devin had rose from the floor and was now looking out my window witch faced the forest.  He sighed heavily and rolled his head towards me and walked towards my door and opened it and walked out. I stood their stuck in place wondering what was happening, until the end of the mattress poked its head around my door frame, then Devin behind it and laying it flat nexted to my bed.                                                                                                           “What do you think you’re doing?” I demanded, I’ve hadn’t had anyone sleep over in my room since he left.                                                                                                                                                                            “Since you won’t leave with me, I’ll have to live with you” he replied pulling off his black jacket and rolled it up as a pillow and then laying down on the mattress.                                                                 “You can’t stay in my room, it’s awkward, weird, wrong and I still hate you”  I said folding my arms across my chest. I’m not leaving you again Roxanne, deal with it his voice echoed through my head, growling and coursing the roof “FINE!, whatever, but stay on the floor, and OUT of my head”     " you don’t lock your front door, but you lock your room?” Devin asked with a confused expression on his face. “I’ve always locked my door, old habits and we don’t lock the front door because people aren’t stupid enough to brake in to the sheriffs house” I replied walking over and switching off my lights in my room, I can’t fight him when he’s like this, his moods still haven’t changed.                                                                                       Pulling the blankets back and getting into bed I switched the light off. The room was silent and cold. I pulled the blankets up closer to my chin, if It’s  this cold up here, I wonder how cold it is down their where Devin was sleeping? Feeling slightly guilty, but not a lot, I sat up and pulled the second blanket that sat at the end of my bed and chucked it down to where Devin was laying                                                                   “I don’t want a dead body in my house” I said into the darkness “I understand Rabbit, thank you. Goodnight” he replied from the darkness. Rolling over and feeling slightly less guilty I drifted off into sleep dreaming of winning the grand trophy after our winning game, with the crowds cheering and screaming my name with pride.

The following morning had finally arrived. My alarm ringed with Nickelback’s song If Everyone Cared charming through my room. Rolling over I switched the alarm off it was 5:40am, my usual time. Sitting up in bed, I recalled the night before, where Devin had admitted to what he was, who he really was and what he wanted. Looking down where he had slept the night before, and only seeing the mattress bare only with my lacrosse stick and a note attached to it. 

Sorry had to bail early, I’ll see you at school, stick to me all day, ok. I need to keep you safe. Deal with it. And for your game tonight as much as I would rather you not to play, I ne that’s not going to happen so I’ll be with you all day and all night.


God damn it! Pulling the pillow over my face. Why won’t he learn, I never needed his help when  we were younger and I’ve never needed his help growing up, so why now? Oh that’s right, someone’s trying to take my ribbin my soul. Yeah right.

After my short run in the forest and my shower with a enough time to finish off my assailment, I arrived at school before everyone else, the way I liked it, dealing with people in the morning wasn’t my strong point, pulling my truck the furthest away from everyone, I got out and walked towards the class rooms, opening the door a rush of warm air hit me. Mrs. Lin was at the counter “Good morning Mrs Lin, and how are we this fine morning?” I said resting my elbow on her counter with my hands hold my head up, Mrs. Lin didn’t mind I always came to school early. She was one of the nice people in Bundyton. “Fine? I don’t think so, it’s bloody cold, are we pumped for the grand finals tonight? I’ve hard you’ve had the Bundytons High team training like a pack of wolfs? Hope you haven’t warn them out to much?” she winked at me.                                                     “Ha-ha never Mrs Lin, I’m only cruel to be kind to win gold” I said waving as I walked to my locker. I had a smile on my face, and then it faded. Devin was sitting at the base of my locker, staring at the ceiling. Sighing I walked on, kicking him to move so I could open my locker and get my books, I had eight classes today, first two where my English and I had a test today, then math, scions, then two classes of PE, then English again followed up with two lessons on Australian history.                                               “And how was our sleep last night, dream of anything or…anyone?” Devin’s voice echoed down the empty hall. “The only dream I had was winning the trophy, kicking your ass to kingdom Kong and then eating ice-cream with mum” I said slamming the locker. “look if you’re gonna follow me around all day, fine I don’t give to fucks, but rule one, don’t talk to me, rule to, stay three feet away from me, got it?” Devin nodded and portended to zip his lips and took three steps back. Today was going to be a long one.

His Name Is Devin KebelWhere stories live. Discover now