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"Where are you?" I scream
" mommy, where are you?" I scream again. Still no answer, my short, chubby, 5 year old body makes its way up the stairs.
" ahhh!" I see a Man standing over mommy with something sharp in his hand. Then he turns arounds, " oh look it's sweet little kathryn! How long have you been around?" He screams at me.
" bond her," he orders someone. This person steps out of the shadows, a little boy just a litter taller than me, his eyes boring into my mine. I kicked him in his nuts and run as fast as my short legs could carry me. I'm running down the stairs when I trip, and fall down the stairs, everything going black.

" well I guess we don't have to worry about her," the man said to the whimpering boy. And, they walk out, onto the patio door slamming it behind them. Then I start I stand up screaming, I couldn't see anything. I made my way to the telephone, dialing 911
" 911, what's your emergency?
" I need help, " I screamed
" hi, sweety, does your mommy know your using the phone?" She asked.

" my mommy is gone, a man stabbed her. And I-i-i can't see anything, it darkness."

" okay, honey, I just sent some very nice police officers over there, and they will find you, and help you. But in the mean time why don't you talk to me?"

" Okay, umm... my name is kathryn, and I was born in Engwand. And I don't have a father, I have a sperm donor, because my mommy is a indwepedent person a dwoesn't need another person to define her, that makes her a super hero!"

" you know what kathryn, that makes you a super hero too!"

And that when the door opened harshly, " kathryn!" A person screamed.

"Here!" I yelled back

" I gotta go! By miss!" I say hanging up the phone. Then I was scooped up and taken away from my house and into a cruiser, forever thinking about if what that lady said was right, maybe,  just maybe I was a super hero.

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