Chapter 2

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I opened my eyes, finding sunlight streaming through my extremely thin curtains. Squinting, I get out of bed, stretching my arms. At least I'm not stuck in that place with the white walls - what was it called? The Border I think... But whatever, the name's not important. All that matters is that I'm out of there, ready to live my life as I dead person.

Looking around, I noticed that I actually wasn't in what I assumed to be hell. It seemed a bit too... comfy to be hell. I was actually in my room. Did that mean that I really did get a second chance at life? Oh crap, this was not going to go over well with my family. They would all hate my guts and I'd have to live on the street. But that can't be that bad...

Walking blindly to my bathroom door, I stubbed my toe against the edge of my bed. "Dang it!" I yelled, clutching my toe as I hopped up and down. Great, way to not attract attention to yourself Matt. Now someone's bound to come in and freak out when they see you. Great going.

As predicted, my mom appeared a few minutes later. Her pale face was even paler than usual and she looked like she'd seen a ghost. I couldn't blame her I guess. After all, I did actually die before coming back here. I kind of was like a ghost. Or you could consider me a vampire - whatever you want.

"M-Matt? I-Is t-that you?" She stuttered out, her hand flying to her open mouth. "I-I thought you were dead... The police said you were. A-Am I just seeing things?" She continued to stutter, the shock still not wearing off. I'd be pretty shocked too if I was in her position so I couldn't really blame her. Tears were flowing out of her eyes as she continued to blubber about how shocked she was to see me.

I rested a hand on her shoulder in hopes of comforting her. "Mom, it really is me. I'm back from the dead, I guess you could say... Although I'm not a zombie, vampire, wereworlf, or any kind of supernatural being for that matter... Oh, and I'm not a ghost too. Just thought I'd let you know. I don't have any powers sadly."

She let out a small chuckle. "Oh Matty, you always know how to lighten up every situation." She said, a small smile spreading across her face. She was still crying, but I think it was out of happiness, unless she was pretending like she was happy to see me. That sounded like something my dad would do, not her.

"That's me Mom, the light at the end of the tunnel," I replied, rolling my eyes like I would any other day. Except it was different this day, because I was supposed to be dead. And for the first time in my life, I was somewhat enjoying it.

It was shocking really, considering that all the time, I used to think about how much I wanted to die and all of that crap. My life was depressing back then and everything, but now that I was back and saw how much my mom missed me, things didn't seem to be that bad. At least, not yet. Once I see my dad, it's only going to go downhill.


 "Whoa, Matt is that you?" Alyssa, my sister,  asked me as she stared at me with her mouth open in shock. Death hadn't changed me, so I knew I couldn't resist bugging her. Not that I had expected death to change me. 

"Stop staring. I know I'm good looking, but you're my sister. I don't think of you like that." I said, winking at her, one of my world famous smirks on my face. She chuckled, punching me lightly on the shoulder. I was shocked as to why she wasn't more agressive. Usually her punches hurt like hell, but this one didn't hurt at all.

She doesn't want to hurt you idiot, the voice inside my head told me, and not in a nice way. Now I had never met this voice before, but I knew that I absolutely loathed it. I mean, would it kill it to be nice? Okay, now I sound like a crazy person. But that's to be expected of me, right? I had just died and come back to life. It was pretty normal for me to be a little bit crazy.

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