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"Check the list once more," Lucifer demands to Gabriel in a strict tone. Micky watches as Gabriel turns his head with a small glare.

"Do not tell me what to do," he snarls, snatching the list from Lucifer's grip. Micky chews on her lip, her leg shaking as a bubble of anxiety attacks her stomach. Lucifer stares until Gabriel drops his head. Lucifer smirks triumphantly and turns to his mate.

"When I shift, jump onto my back." Micky's eyes drift over to Gabriel who is hunched over, muttering curse words even Micky can hear. After receiving a nod, Lucifer walks over to Sheldon who gives a small smile. Spinning around wordlessly, Lucifer glances at Gabriel again. He stops walking for a second and admires the now grown man. The last time Lucifer saw Gabriel was when he was eight. Two days before.

Lucifer remembers his life before. How his mom would sit down and play hide and seek with him, then read. His dad would teach him how to fight and ignore incoming feelings. He also told Lucifer that love is weakness, but every time Lucifer's dad looked at his mom, everyone could notice the way he was so hopelessly in love that he would sacrifice even his own son for the beautiful woman. Too bad that plan didn't work.

Lucifer leaves into the kitchen and picks up his cold coffee. He feels Micky's presence seconds after he enters the room.

"Do you hurt?" Micky watches Lucifer put down his coffee. "Like, not physically or mentally, but emotionally. Hurting so bad that you couldn't even feel your legs being broken. Like all of China combined is using your chest as an amusement park, and soon you feel yourself slipping away from reality. The Devil couldn't pull you under and God couldn't bring you up. Because you're not even there anymore. You've been consumed by such pain that destruction doesn't even begin to describe the ongoing torture that eats away every single last piece of humanity you have left. That's the kind of pain I saw in your eyes minutes ago; I want to know why."

"My story is locked in a case full of secrets, and I'll be damned if you ever find a way to break it open." With that, Lucifer throws his coffee cup into the sink and doesn't even watch it shatter before heading out. Micky stands still, her head slightly tilted as she tries to make sense of Lucifer's history. It's bad. Worse than she thought. It must be like an ash cloud that hangs over his head, never leaving and invading his senses to where breathing is more of a chore than cleaning. Micky sighs and clears her head of most thoughts before heading back out into the living room.

"Today we will migrate west. I know a place that can shelter us and all of our ancestors. Do not fall behind or run ahead. Take everything you need; I may not be able to go shopping for at least two days." Everyone at once says, "Yes, Alpha" and disperses to grab their belongings. Micky goes nowhere.

"I apologize." The room is clear. Lucifer doesn't speak but he shrugs a shoulder.

"You have nothing to apologize for."

"I invaded your privacy," Micky demands. "So I am apologizing." Lucifer can't help but smile.

"Yes, you have made that clear." Micky doesn't find him amusing. Scoffing, she turns away with a roll of her eyes.

Grayson runs down the stairs, giggling as Elliot chases him while swearing loudly. Grayson throws the suitcase he hold onto the couch and sits on it, his wild eyes glowing brighter than a star at nighttime. Elliot closes in on the child-like man, holding his hand out.

"When you're ready come and get it," Grayson laughs, shaking his head. Elliot grabs Grayson's arm and throws him onto the ground, pressing his sock-covered foot against Grayson's lower back. Elliot grabs his suitcase and slides it across the floor to Lucifer as Grayson throws his feet up. Grayson's back arches and his eyes meet Micky's. A silent, non-serious plead flashes in his eyes before Grayson flops back on the ground. Elliot's arms have now restrained Grayson's neck.

"Let him go," Lucifer commands. Though he knows the fight is playful, his wolf side doesn't, and watching a pack member pinned to the floor makes him want to knock someone out. His tense body relaxes once Elliot releases his hold. He no longer has to fight the urge to do what he has done his whole life; be the protector and the murderer.

"Is everyone almost ready to go?" Micky asks from downstairs. She knows all the supernatural can hear her. Micky's insides clench as a memory of her first time in this house passes through her brain. She will come back one day, she promises herself.

"Almost!" is the loudest response, however a few people announce that they are finished. The men who are done packing (no woman could only take fifteen minutes to pack) start to fasten their small suitcases or bags on their backs. They shift and stand still, waiting for their friends and family to finish. Though they may not all be blood related, family is the word that describes everyone in Lucifer's house. Together.

Around ten minutes later, everyone has shifted, except for Micky who holds onto Lucifer's scruff. Everyone feels a pang of sadness as they leave; the house they became united in is no longer theirs. But everyone runs. No one looks back.

Micky remembers the time she went hunting with Lucifer as her bow and arrows scratch at her back. How she felt so broken and helpless. Since she stopped killing and Lucifer started acting more like a mate to her than ever before, Micky has felt whole. Like nothing in this world could ever scratch at the serenity of her mind. She has times where she misses her family, but she has been able to pull herself out of those dark times so fast that she has a hard time remembering any feeling besides happiness. Pure happiness.

Micky closes her eyes and feels a cold breeze blow her hair back. She doesn't mind living with Lucifer, or her pack. She doesn't mind feeling loved, or being a leader. She doesn't mind having a real family; and neither does Lucifer.

As a request asked, I will announce the ages of Micky and Lucifer. Home girl is 17 and Lucifer is 23. However, feel free to imagine my characters as you want. I don't like to ruin anyone's imagination; that's why I won't give vivid descriptions or put up pictures. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask and I will try my best to answer!

Thanks so much for reading, voting, and commenting! Have an amazing day and don't let anyone tell you that you aren't beautiful, strong, or worth anything. You are wanted by so many people and I will always be here if you want to talk. :) Love, Sierra

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