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Micky holds her breath while waiting for the verdict. Her eyes shoot back and forth between Lucifer and the brother. He has refused to give away any information, including names. The members will only nod or shake their head.

"I will not stay," comes the powerful voice. The brother stands tall, his unblinking eyes staring at the wall in front of him. "I have decided that that is the best option."

"I respect that decision. But just know that we have food, shelter, and open positions. You will be welcome any time." Micky then walks over to Lucifer and leans her head on his chest. Lucifer picks Micky up, his eyes never once leaving the group of nine.

"I'm not staying, but you may stay if you want." He turns and heads out the door. Everyone looks torn between taking a good offer and staying loyal to their leader. No one else follows him out though.

"Well, I'm glad to expand our pack and help others. Do not feel as if you are a burden; you are not. If you decide to stay for good, you will start training soon. You can stay here for a while and decide whether or not your loyalty will rest with us." Micky speaks every word with a delicate touch only an Alpha Female could do, however her hands tremble as she crawls down from Lucifer. Micky's heart clenches and her nose tingles-she feels as if these people aren't supposed to be here. It's just her mind whistling possibilities, Micky thinks.

"Why won't you stay?" Lucifer's rough voice carries through the room and out the front door, causing the brother to slow. "We have treated you and your people well. I do not see a reason to leave such an enticing offer. Is it pride?"

With a clenched jaw he responds, "It's actually the fact that I am not a murderer. I love a dangerous chase, but I do not kill." And he drops his head as he continues walking.

"Neither do I!" Micky responds instantly. Her hand raises like she knows the answer to a math problem.

"Then how did you get your name, Assassin?" The cold tone sends a wave of protectiveness down to Lucifer's center and he growls, tightening his hold on his mate. Micky, however, chooses to untangle herself from Lucifer's tight hold and near the brother. Everyone's eyes follow the young girl with a wash of caution, but Lucifer is already clipping Micky's heels.

"That was an old me. I was forced into the huntress life before I was even born. My dad has always had such a passion to do what he feels is right, and he has become blinded with the thought that werewolves are beasts and no part of them is human. I don't agree. I have met people here that are so much better than everyone in my old clan. I do not wish to go back or raise my bow and arrow at any living object again. You have watched me turn down offers to go on hunts; why is that? I am trying to make up for the torture I have put others through. I will not hurt anyone ever again; that is the promise I made to myself as soon as I left my clan." At the end of her speech Micky's hands rest on the brother's shoulders and Lucifer's soft eyes watch. He's bothered by his mate's touch to another male, but he decides to remain silent.

"I made that promise to myself years ago," the response finally comes. "And I have not broken it. If you stand true to your promise, I will stay forever in your pack. If you break that promise and become like your mate, I will leave." Micky glares at the brother.

"Watch your tongue. You are welcome now, but may not be later." The brother cocks a smile.

"I'm Bates. That is my sister Meredith." Bates holds his hand out and Lucifer is the one to shake it.

"Remember your place." The cold tone makes Micky lean back into Lucifer and reach for his hand.

"Trust me." Bates looks downwards at Micky. "I know exactly what I am doing."

A loud scream echoes over the silence of the fall morning. Coffee cups tremble as noise outside shakes the ground. Lucifer and Micky look at each other as people start pouring down the stairs, then all at once they run out.

"Grab your bow!" Lucifer yells as he gets a clear shot of the enemies.

"I don't want to! I don't want to hurt anyone!"

"Wars can't be won with words. Get it now, Micky!" And with a small glance and sweating hands, Micky sprints back to the house, weaving between the pack. Sheldon stands behind everyone to check for approaching enemies but there is no sign of any from behind them. He heads up to the front.

Micky's heart pounds as she picks up her arrow and a lump crawls up into her throat. I don't want to hurt anyone, Micky thinks. But I don't want anyone to get hurt either. The screams get louder and she notices that they are distance, hinting that it's not her side taking most of the blows. She tells herself to man up and then sneaks out of the house, her bow out with an arrow close by. It's for protection, Micky tells herself. I won't use it.

The first thing Micky sees when she gets to the battle field is Lucifer. His wolf is up on its hind legs, his jaws digging into the flesh of someone. After realizing that the other side hasn't shifted, she lets out a long cry. These are hunters.

"STOP!" she screams. The only things she does is attract attention towards herself. A man who Micky doesn't recognize pulls a walkie-talkie out of his pocket and repeats something into the device. His throat is ripped out and placed next to his body thanks to Anaya.

The horror of what's happening around her sinks in and Micky stands frozen. These are her friends and family; both sides are fighting and dying. Who should she fight for?

Micky raises her lowered bow and places an arrow into it, pointing it at a man. She lets go and whips her head to the side, biting her lip to contain a sob as she hears his cry of pain. I'm sorry, Jared. I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't want to. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. And the first tear falls, then another as Micky shoots another hunter. Her shaking hands cause her to miss her third target, and the blurring of her eyes blocks her from the enemy stalking her from the side.

As Micky feels a hand touch her side she pulls out an arrow and drives it into the person, her heart hammering with fear. She catches a glimpse of the person who falls and she sees her mom. The one with the full heart, the one that spreads happiness to everyone she meets; the mom who died when she was a child. I'm sorry, mom. Micky's mouth spreads as she sinks to her knees, blinking her eyes rapidly. Gabriel watches as Micky's protector as Micky sobs loudly, grabbing onto the arm of her old best friend. His name was Joshua. The boy Micky used to love.

Sorry this is so sad! I love the fight scene of this chapter and I don't know why haha.

I'm finally out for summer!!! When did you guys get out (or when will you get out)? Anyways, have a beautiful day and be sure to smile! Love, Sierra

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