Part 2

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I washed my red face, and felt a lot better. I knew that I would have to go out and find a seat because the plane was about to take off. So I left. I felt the eyes of people on me, probably because they have never seen me before and I just stepped out of bathroom that was not in use.

I found a seat despite the stares, and sat down there wasn’t anyone else in this row so I had it all to myself. I turned on the TV that was in front of me and put on mean girls I had never seen it before, but I could hear some of the girls behind me talking about it.

When the movie finally finished, I wonder if that is what it would be like to live like a normal person. I don’t think that I would have liked it, I prefer the adventure life. I looked through the movies again to see if there was another one I could watch because there still was like three more hours of flight, when one of the girls, that was talking about mean girls came and sat next to me.

“Hi, I’m Cammie, who are you?” she said I a rich kid voice.

I was about to reply with six but I knew that, it wouldn’t be a good idea. “I’m Maren,” I said, trying to sound bold. But the truth is I haven’t really ever spoken to that many humans.

“Your not from around here are you.”

“Not really,” well I couldn’t say that I was from another plant, “How did you know?”

“Your clothes, they are so, yugh, I don’t know what to say.”

“Oh, well that is nice, I don’t really care what you think of my clothes.” I was wearing, something a bit noticeable, leather shorts, a netted top and combat boots.

“Well my friends and I are going to give you a make over, so you can fit into the LA life style when you get there.”

“What if I don’t want a make over?” replied quickly.

“Well you aren’t going to blend in, but if you want to stand out that is fine,” she said as she got up to leave.

“Wait,” I said a little too quickly, “ I would love a make over.”

“Okay, great.”

“But I don’t have any other clothes or anything.”

“Don’t worry we have it sorted.”

The four of them came back it my row with makeup cases, hair brushes dresses, everything. I don’t even know how they got on the plane with it all/

“Hey, Maren, we are back.”

“Okay great, I have never had a make over before.”

“It shouldn’t take us too long,” said a tall blonde girl.

I just sat there, as they put sticky stuff on me, it took about half an hour until they were done.

“You look so pretty Maren,” one of the girls said.

“Yah, thank you?” I replied

“Put this dress on and these shoes.”

She held out a black dress that would stop above my knee, and a pair of red converse. Not really my style but I could work with it.

I walked to the bath room, looking at myself in the mirror. I really did look pretty. My hair was out, but bobby pinned into a style. I had light pick lip gloss on and misty looking eye shadow. I was happy with the outcome, and it was sort of fun I had never had a make over before.

I slipped into the dress and adjusted it a bit since I had never worn a dress before, then I put on my new shoes. I walked out the girls were staring at me I felt really uncomfortable.

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