The Secret School

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The Secret School
By: Giovanni S.

Fier, Terra, and I were walking to school one morning. We saw a person in a black cloak. I said," You guys thinking what I'm thinking." They both were confused so I said," We follow the person in the black cloak." They said," Ohhhhh, yeah!" We were following whoever it was. We saw they turned a corner that headed straight to our school. We saw it was a woman, she had pink purplish glasses and blonde hair. We recognized her, it was our music teacher, Ms. Hebe. She always looks like she's in her 20s when she's actually about to turn 70. We hid so she wouldn't see us. She looked around to see if anyone was around. She clicked her watch and the school flipped around. It showed a castle school with flags and different colored lights. She saw us so we started to run away. We tuned a corner and hid. We looked over and saw she wasn't following us. We tiptoed our way back to school. When we went back it school was back to normal. We were so confused, we saw are friends and we told they everything. They said," I think you've guys been reading too much Secret High stories." We said," But there's a legend that it really does exist. And it's here in Farland, Zstarxin (Sh-tars-in). They started laughing at us. I got so made I casted a spell. I said," They all got mixed up in a blender, make them all be the opposite gender." We started laughing at them and said," Who's laughing now." They were so mad at the same time they casted a spell. They said," They are slimy and sit on a log, turn them all into a frog." They all left us and walked to school. It happened to be a coincidence that in science they were dissecting, you guessed it, frogs. We were so freaked out and the worst part is is that they brought us inside. Our friends were so worried they asked if they could get us the teacher said," Sure, why not." So when the teacher wasn't looking they took us to the hallway and turned us back. The teacher saw us come in and said," Why are you late?" We went to to the hallway and cast a spell. We casted," It has not much mass, let us have a late pass." We walked in with late passes. Then we sat down in our seats. It was the end of school and we were going to leave. The school started to shake, it felt like there was an earthquake. Everyone started to scream. The lights were flickering and the lamps were shaking. My friends and I felt sick and nausea. We all passed out on the floor. We woke up in the hospital with a bunch of doctors and nurses all around us. After a while we saw they were going to take a our blood. We were scared because if they drain our blood they would see we have magical powers. Then all of a sudden there was a big boom across the hallway. Everyone ran over there and saw that the water in a tube started to evaporate. It evaporated so fast it exploded. While they were distracted, we escaped. The next day we went back to school. We saw the school switch upside down again. As quickly as we could, we ran inside. We saw so many amazing things we thought we were in heaven. We saw Ms. Hebe conducting an orchestra, but the instruments were playing by themselves. We got caught and when they actually had a look at our faces, they screamed with excitement. The principal said in his low deep voice," As us teachers we are proud to ask you to come to our school." We were so excited. We calmed down and said," We'd love to come to your school." They said," Great, you start next Wednesday." We said," Why next Wednesday?" They said," Because it's Friday, and Monday is Farland day and Tuesday is Sxierioki ( sheh-re-oak-ee) Celebration Day. We said," We forgot thanks for reminding us." By Wednesday morning we were excited and pumped about going to a magical school. The school was called Pheonix Drop. We stepped into the school and it looked better than it did last Friday. The principal told us," Ms Hebe would be our magic instructer." We asked," What's that?" He said she chooses special kids and turn them into superheroes. We were so excited. She took us to an underground area. She said," This is where your training begins and your regular day ends. It was so cool we kept on asking if we could live here. Sadly she said no. In the middle there was a tree. She said," This is the the tree of Pheonix Drop, it's like your heart. Like it, it pumps magic through the school like how your heart pumps blood through your body. If anything happens to it, all the magic in the school and in anyone in it will stop." She gave us a watch that she was wearing earlier. She said," It's like a phone and you can send a message from anywhere for a portal to take you to headquarters."

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2016 ⏰

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