Chapter 3

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The world was hazy. Everything was in a blur. It was almost like a dream, but without the feel-good element. It was more a nightmare than a dream. It was chaos of the mindscape. He didn't know what to make of it. It was hard to make out the definite shape of anything, which doesn't help when you are completely unaware of where you are. Or, when you have absolutely no idea where you are. Or what happened. Or why you're there. One minute, Mametchi was defending Lovelitchi from potential danger, trying to be her hero; the next, he finds himself lying on the floor, drool slowly travelling down his flattened cheek.

He tried to refocus his eyes, but they were slow, like the rest of him. He tried to adjust, to see anything, to do anything. To get any kind of clue to his questions: Why? What? Where? When? How? So many questions, and no answers. He felt so helpless and vulnerable. He felt... like someone was watching him. Like an attacker or serial killer could, at any moment, jump out and attack him, and/or kill him. He knew he needed to get up, but he just didn't know how. He tried to. He tried to get up, but it just didn't seem to work. To him, it seemed that he had forgotten how. He put his hand on the ground in an attempt to steady himself in any way. Slowly, he recognized the feel of concrete, and it didn't move away. It worked! He put his other hand on the ground. He felt his arm touching the other arm. He didn't know why. They were crossed, and he didn't know. All he knew is that it didn't feel right. After some time, he uncrossed them. Now, both his hands were on the ground, and his arms were straight. He was able to, at least, stay sitting with a balance now.

He still saw piercing eyes watching him, though he couldn't really see anything. He still heard threats, though the only thing he heard was a ringing in his ears. He was unsure of everything. He was dizzy. He still knew that he needed to get away. He tried to move his feet to uncover their location. Ah ha! There they are. He wiggled his toes. He was starting to make out shapes again. No, he still didn't know why, when, or how, but at least he kind of knew what. He was becoming more and more aware of where his limbs were, and he put his foot flat on the ground. Then the other. He stumbled and struggled to steady himself. Slowly but surely, his consciousness was coming back. He soon put one foot in front of the other, and stood up. He wobbled, and stumbled a little, even tripped over his own foot and caught himself, but he was more aware. He steadied himself, and he stood there. Confused, yes, but he wasn't in too much of a daze anymore.

He suddenly realized his mouth was dry, and his cheek was wet. He wiped it with his arm. He looked down at his feet, perfectly flat and balanced on the ground. He looked at his hands. They had slight scratches. Why? He decided to question it later. Then he noticed pain. Where was it coming from? He looked at his right forearm. It presented a scrape running down to the elbow. Ouch! He might need to see to that once he gets materials.

...Wait. Materials. Where would he find materials here? Where was he? He scanned his surroundings. There were big trees and patches of grass. The sun shined in the blue sky, though it wasn't very high up. There was concrete all around him, and in front of him, a house. A really big house. Wait a minute-- he recognized that front door. Oh-- and the porch. And the whole house, and the trees, and the grass...

What in the world am I doing at Amy's house? Actually, I'm not even in it. I'm standing in front of it. How... did I get here?

Suddenly, his memory hit him like a truck.

My gosh! I'm supposed to be in my Tamagotchi! He looked up at the light, blue sky. And it's already light! Amy should be getting ready for school if she's not already gone. I am so dead!

He took large strides, shoving one foot in front of the other at high speed. He swung his arms in big, wide motions. His heart was racing, and he was too, in a way. A race with life and death. Suddenly, while sprinting, more of his memory clicked.


He didn't stop running toward the house, but his mind went in a completely different direction.

Lovelitchi is gone! She was taken by that nasty... cruel... I never even got a chance to see the guy's face. I don't have a clue who he is. I tried to save her from him, but I... I couldn't protect her... and now she's gone... Gone. Stolen. All because of me! It's all my fault!

Tears welled up in his eyes, but he kept swinging his arms and speeding forward. He ran even faster, and his red face grew more distressed. He kept running and running and shook his head to get the sadness out of his mind. The loneliness. The self-disappointment.

Air rushed in his face, and past him. His legs felt numb because of the speed he was going at. His inhales were sharp and quick, and tears flew from his eyes. He focused so hard on shutting everything around him, but remembered he had somewhere to go. He looked up at the last second before slamming into the stairs. He rushed and braked his foot onto the concrete before him and came to an abrupt stop. He panted and put his hands on his knees, bent over. He breathed heavily, and he could hear his heart beat in his chest.

All he wanted to do was get Lovelitchi. Every fiber in his being longed for her, and needed to get her back. He... just didn't know how. He yearned for something that just wasn't there, and it hurt him. Still, he continued forward on his aching feet. And, each inch closer to the house he got was one inch closer to potential ban of the world he was in right now. If he was about the house, not in his egg, and Amy saw him, that would be the end of the line. But, every inch away from the house was one inch closer, still, to potential disaster. And, even if he didn't move at all... nothing could stop him nearing a cut on his dream. This war with himself continued, though he never stopped walking toward the house.

At this point, he had to make a choice: Try to save his opportunity to be here, or go into hiding immediately before anyone realized he was gone. After all, Amy could've noticed he was missing already, and the organization could be on the lookout right now. But, there's still a chance, even if slight, that he could make it back in time. Mametchi stopped fighting with himself and realized how close to the house he was.

It's probably too late... But the house is so close. I can hurry and make it to the mouse hole, that's a good hiding spot. He picked up his pace, and tried to hide himself in his arms.

He ducked into the entrance of the mouse hole. He climbed in farther, to the darkest part he knew. He sat and buried his head in his knees. He tried to listen for any sign of the organization, but all he could hear was the sound of his own beating heart.

As he calmed down, he began to realize that he didn't hear anything. Nothing. In fact, it was so quiet, he was a little worried. He searched the furthest corners of his mind for an explanation.

Did they... d-did they kill Amy? Oh my gosh.... How could I have let this happen? What is wrong with me? He shook his head. I can't protect anyone I love! Why, why, why?! I couldn't even keep Lovelitchi safe, and now the only other person that cared about me is dead. I can't seem to do anything right! I... I deserve to be taken back. I'm going out.

Mametchi tensed as he placed his foot onto the cold, hard floor. Unpredictability was written in the air. He tried to look around, but he was too afraid to see what could be there. Instead, he dropped to his knees and put his hands behind his head, ready at any moment to feel frigid metal clasp his wrists and be taken away. Tightly shutting his eyes, Mametchi waited there for awhile. Just... Just take me already... No one came.

Eventually, he stood up again. He was confused, yet relieved. This time, he was confident enough to look around him, only to see that no one was there. Everything was where it should have been. Nothing changed. Daringly, he walked forward. Still, nothing happened. He felt safer, though he was still careful. He continued forward, and made his way to Amy's room. If Amy's awake in there, and she's looking for me, I'm just going to face it... No more holding back. Mametchi opened the door wide enough for him to walk through, and he did. Nothing in that room was moving, except him. He looked up to the bed, and saw a dormant Amy, snoring softly. Suddenly, Mametchi's cheeks blew up in pink and he was more embarrassed than scared. Then, he remembered. It's Saturday. Amy does not go to school on Saturday. She doesn't really go anywhere, actually, not in the morning. After a good old, silent facepalm, he, for the first time that day, casually walked over and climbed up to his blue egg, slipping safely inside.

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