Chapter 4

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Amy sat up in bed, followed by a yawn and some stretching. She looked over to her little, blue Tamagotchi. "Good morning, Mametchi! Happy Saturday! It sure is nice to sleep in, huh?"

Mametchi had mixed feelings. First, he was relieved that Amy had no clue what the heck he had been through that morning. Second, he was mad because, no, he did not sleep in. She had no clue what the heck he had been through that morning. But nonetheless, Mametchi tried his best to stay collected and act his virtual best.

"Ok, Mame-san," Amy began, cheerily, as she put her slippers on. That was the nickname Lovelitchi teased Mametchi with. Tears suddenly welled up in his eyes as reality coldly reminded him she was still gone. "I'm going downstairs to have some breakfast. I'll be right back!" Without checking the screen beforehand, she left the room and followed a tasty aroma.

"And when you're back, Amy... I won't be." Mametchi had decided to stop the guilt from eating at him any longer and go after Lovelitchi. Yes, it would definitely put this opportunity, or rather, dream, of a human's pet at grave risk, but Amy wouldn't like a sad virtual pet, anyway. It's... It's what's best for her. She deserves a happy Tamagotchi.

I guess it was time to put loved ones before dreams... because dreams aren't all that great if the people you care about aren't there living it with you.

For what would likely be the last time, Mametchi placed his hands on the edges of the Tamagotchi. He looked back at his now former home. Leaving this place behind was nothing less than a big deal. He faced forward and didn't look back. He pulled himself out. Why am I doing this? Everything I know is screaming at me to stop. In routine, he propped himself onto the pillow below. He took one last look at Amy's messy room. Though it was dirty, and disorganized, the fact that it was home added a special kind of beauty. He shook his head. Maybe because he didn't want to keep going. Maybe because he was confused at the beauty in a messy room. He didn't really know. He walked forward, passing a metal bowl he had encountered before, and leaving it behind. He passed and left behind a kitchen timer. He passed piles of dirty clothes. It was all so foul... But each item left a warm imprint on his heart. As he neared the door, he slowed his pace. A tear rolled down his cheek and he looked at his hands. I can't believe I'm doing this... Am I really risking my dream for Lovelitchi? Everything I've ever wanted, everything I've ever worked for had lead to this; being here. I finally have what I want... ...right?  He wiped a tear, and paused for a bit. He closed his hands. Sitting here and doing nothing when I could be doing something is not what I want. She makes me happy, being here doesn't. If I'm going to live my dream, I need my best friend to live it with me.

Mametchi smoothed the wrinkles in his shirt.

He opened the door, and walked forward.

He had a vision in mind. He knew what he was after. He knew what he needed to do. He had a purpose.

And though his mind screamed at him to stop with every step forward, his heart whispered yes.

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