like we never left

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knock knock

"Rena can you get the door?"

"Really triston it's probably just are neighbors."

"But sure, its not like im watching my favorite show."

I get up and walk towards the door. And unlock it. And theres a very attractive man standing there about my age.


"Hey, my car broke down. And i was wondering if me and my buddys could use your phone."

Then just now I noticed two other boys behind him. They both looked around 16 my age.

"Um sure hold on ill bring it to you."

"Oh no thats fine. I could just come in and use it to save you the trouble."

"Uh" furrowed eyebrows then takes in there scent oh yuck I should have known dead corpse smell. All three of them are vampires.

Tristons standing on the stairs.

"Can I come in?"

"No!" I say quickly

"Why dont you just invite him in?" he looks confused.

"No triston d--

"Come in"

"Shit!" I close the door as fast as I can and try to lock it but hes already in. I run to grab triston and put him in his room.

"Stay in your room and lock it. Dont come out."

"Thanks bud for letting me in." The guy laughs.

"leave him out of this" I stand my ground and glare at him.

"Im alright I think ill keep him in this. After all ill have room for dessert."

"You have know idea what your getting yourself into.Or wh---

"Who you are?" He laughs "like I haven't heard that one before. Your just like all the other humans."

"Human?" I laugh

What makes you think im human?"

"Wwell what else would you be?"

"Wow, whats eric teaching his new Comer's nowadays?"

"Wait how did you know about eric?"

I roll my eyes "lets just get this over with" My eyes turn grey and my teeth come out and claws.

"What the hell?!"

"Your aaaa---

"Werewolf yah."

"But your not supposed to be around here eric made a deal with the werewolfs"

"Well looks like that deals broken, doesn't it?" I go over to him and he tries to fight me off but I grab him by the throat and with my other hand tear out his heart.

"Bryan, dude whats taking you so long?" One of the other guys walks in.

"Tell eric if he tries messing with me or my family this is what will happen to every single one of his followers."

They both run off.

Let me tell you all alittle about growing up as a Werewolf and why we hate vampires so much. Well it all started in the 1600s with a man named paul lancstein, everyone he knew worshipped him because he was the wealthiest man and he got whatever he wanted.

Or so he thought, until one day him and a few of the towns folk have been hearing about these creatures that lived in the forrest and turned into wolfs during the full moon. Paul got jealous of this because he saw how strong they were tearing the towns sheep into pieces.

So he tracked the werewolfs and when he found them he saw they lived at a camp and were human but also werewolfs and he wanted that kind of strength so he asked the alpha. But the alpha refused. And theres only two ways to become a wolf your born that way or your bitten but its very rare and really unheard of. Because if you are bitten you rarely make it through 3 full moons before your body just shuts down. That made paul mad because he usually gets what ever he wants. So he started experimenting with diffrent things to make him like the wolf, and one day he took some dead wolfs blood that he tracked down and cougars blood.

And injected himself. And thats how the vampire was made. He started to get sick and couldn't control his hunger for blood. So thats how more vampire were made.

And thats also why vampires and werewolfs have had this war against each other. Werewolfs hate vampires because they got created by something that wasnt meant to be. Because of a mad man that thought he didn't have enough. And vampires hate us because we wouldn't give them what they wanted so long ago. And because we were born wolfs and are still stronger. But just a few years ago are packs made a deal with the leader of the vampires eric to never live in the same town. Otherwise if one of us or them were found not in there territory we were free to kill them.

3 months ago

"Mom why are we having a gathering tonight? I thought that we had thoughs when we elected a new alpha."

"Im not sure triston."

"Yeah, thats very odd. Cause marcus has only been an alpha for 3 years and hes still strong enough to lead."

"Well were not sure of that"

"I guess your right dad."

"Lets head over to the gathering"

We all were sat down on logs around a fire. And marcus came out.

"Welcome everyone, I bet your all confused to why I called a gathering. And no im not declining my calling or im not to weak to lead. But I might be declining soon."

Everyone gasps

"Kalina has seen something.."

Kalinas are seer meaning she can see the future. Its a power that some of us get but not all it depends on how strong you are. And you dont get it until your 17 or 18.

"And its a good something so no one should worry. But we might have to make some tough decisions."

"Whats going on?" Sally a girl from my pack whispers to her friend.

Everyone starts whispering.

"Everyone be quite! We have seen a way that we could win this war between us and the vampires. So no human will be sucked dry by them again."

Everyone cheers

"But that means that we have to send are future hero out to the vampires territory."

"Can he do that?"

"He can do whatever he wants triston."

"He needs to be experienced with the vampires way of living and to study them, so that when he gets his power he will lead us to Victory!"He fist bumps the air.

Everyones cheering

"Kalinas seen that it will be someone from the hethen family"

"Wait what?!" I say confused

"She didnt see the face but we know it has to be a male so we think its triston."

I knew it was probably going to be triston because it cant be me bacause im a female and females cant be alphas. Which if you ask me is pretty sexist but im not the one who made the rules.

"Baby claws over there?" Payton laughs

I really dont like payton hes one of the biggest bullys in are pack.

"Hey! Im ten."

"Be quiet payton your just mad it isnt you." I snap and we glare at each other.

"Okay thats enough! I will personally be training triston alittle before he goes in three months."

"You dont expect him to go alone do you?" My mom says.

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