Shes a what?

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"Well your brother let us in after he saw poor mom about to get her throat slit."


"Im sorry" he says pouting

"Let them go now and I wont hurt you or your minions."

"But rules are rules rena. Your on my territory so you know what that means." He moves the knife closer to my moms neck. And she wimpers

"Leave her alone!" My dad screams

"Dont touch her eric! Or any of my family im the one you want."

"Oh?" He looks intrigued.

"Im the one who ki---

"Rena stop!"

"Ashley! What are you doing?!" ashleys standing in front of me now.

"I don't want you to get hurt." She looks back at me.

"Awe how touching the nimph standing up for the werewolf."

"Nimph?" What ive only heard about them in stories. But how does she smell like a human?

"Ill explain later."

She looks back at me and smiles and nods her head and I get the message. I attack eric and get the knife from him and Ashley takes on the two guys. Well damn shes pretty good at fighting after all.

"Eric leave me and my family alone! Do you understand? We wont come after you if you dont come after us."

"We made a deal!" He spits out.

"Well the deals been broken talk to marcus about it and dont come after me or my family again!" I let him go and he runs off in a flash with his buddys. And I hug my mom

"You okay?"

"Yes im fine."

Ashley unties my brother and dad and my dad comes running over to my mom and kisses her.

"Im sooo sorry I let this happen."

"It wasnt you Richard."

"Im sorry mom." Triston comes over crying.

"Baby boy its okay its not your fault either you saw me being hurt so you did what you had to."

"Why didnt you guys rip their hearts out?"

"Trust me we tried. But somehow there was wolfsbane sliped in are tea."

Wolfsbane is a herb that makes us weak for an hour or three depending on the dose. But its really hard to find.

"How is that possible? Were they already in the house?"

"Nope and thats whats strange." My dad says

"Who was all here?"

"Me, your brother and your mother."

"Thats really weird."

Ashley wont look us in the eye.

"Whats wrong ashley?"

"Im sorry I lied to you guys."

"About what?"

"About me being a nymph and not human."

"The only question I have is how you still ex--


"Yeah marcus said there were very few of you left. Because the vampires have been killing off your kind."

"Yeah thats right."

"Is that why eric wants you?"


"Okay me and your father are going to bed and tristons already in bed. So goodnight girls."

"Goodnight" we both say

"Lets go up to my room so you can fill me in a bit better."


We go up to my room and both sit on my bed.

"So can you explain a bit better what a nimph is? Cause ive only heard stories."

"Of course. A nimph is a nature fairy pretty much we love nature and take care of it and love to sing an dance."

"Is there one type of nymph or more?"

"Yeah theres a few like a water nimph or pond but im a forrest nimph. We are also trained to fight so we can protect are land."

"So thats what that was? I thought you couldn't fight." I laugh

She laughs "thats what I wanted you to think so you wouldnt get suspicious."

"And it was kinda fun you tackling me to the ground."

I roll my eyes "uhuh sure."

We both smile at eachother and we both start leaning in a little bit. Were both so close I can feel her hot breath on my lips she grabs my head to pull me closer. I get ready for the kiss I close my eyes.

Why am I doing this?! I dont know but it feels so right. But the kiss doesn't come. I open my eyes and instead shes hugging me her arms are now around my waist. I feel disappointed. Why do I feel disappointed?

"Thank you for being there for me rena and protecting me."

We are still hugging

"Uhuh" i say kinda saddened

Do I like this girl? No I cant. She doesn't like me thats for sure she could have gone in for a kiss but no she went in for the hug wow. Thats all ill ever be to her just her protector.

I let go of ashley. "Okay lets go to bed."

"Alright im going to go change in my pajamas. Arent you going to?"

Im on my side "No im fine, im just really tired. Its been a long day."

"Yeah alright." She looks sad.

Why the hell does she look sad? Shes the one who doesn't like me or does she. No whatever, im going to sleep.

I close my eyes to try to fall asleep. And feel her get under the blanket beside me.


"Yeah?" I say with my back facing her.

"Can we cuddle?"

Cuddle, why?

I just nod my head.

And she comes up behind me so now I feel her body against mine and her arm around my waist and her hot breath against my neck. And with that I feel comfortable and safe in her arms. An I fall asleep

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