everythings falling apart

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I wake up the next morning and find im the only one in bed. So I go downstairs.


"Morning dad."

"Your mom made some breakfast in the kitchen."

"Okay thanks."

"Good morning everyone."

"Morning" they say in unison.

"So whats for breakfast." I say sitting down.

"Eggs, toast and bacon."

"Mmm sounds good and smells good."

"Hey, so about last night." Ashley says sitting down by me.

"Its fine I understand. It was nice."

She smiles and I smile back


"Mom are we going to the towns carnival?" Triston asks

"Yeah, in about two hours."

"What? You never told me about this." I say.

"I forgot. Dont you think it would be fun as a family?"

"Yeah I guess."

"Okay you girls go get dressed."

Ashley looks at my mom confused.

"Your part of this family now ashley."


"Rena lets go on the Gravitron!" Ashley says pulling me.

"I think we lost my parents and triston."

"They can wait after this. Can't they?"

"Yeah I guess so."

We get done on the gravitron.

"Woah I feel so dizzy."

"That was awesome! Can we get some popcorn now?"

"Sure." We go over to the vender.

"Can I get a small popcorn."

"Sure, do you want extra butter?" The guy behind the register says.

"Um yeah."

"Okay, here you are." He hands me the popcorn. "Is that it?"


"Whats your name?"


"Well hello rena, Im ryan." He puts his hand out and I shake it.

"Hi ryan."

He smiles. "What are you doing at 9?"


"Im asking you on a date rena." He smirks.

"Oh, umm...

"Is that a yes or no?"

"No sorry."

"Okay, here take my number. Just in case you change your mind."

I take his phone number. And pay for the popcorn then walk off with ashley.

"Why did you say no?"

Why did I say no. Its not like he wasnt attractive. But...


I snap out of my thoughts.

"I just didnt feel attracted to him."

Thats kinda true. But I know who I am attracted to. Wait no...

"Oh okay. We should go on one more ride then find your family."

"Alright." We go on the ferris wheel.

"Im kinda scared of heights."

"You are?" Ashley asks.

Did I just say that out loud?

"Yeah kinda.." I say

"Its okay just focus on something else."

"Like what?"

"Focus on me and we'll just talk."

"Okay." I focus on her eyes for awhile wow there an amazing blue color. Then I move to her nose she has such a cute little nose. I giggle in my mind. Then I move to her lips. Oh how much I just want to lean in to her and kiss her. Then everything becomes a blur and my lips are on hers but only for a few seconds. Crap did I just...

I cant look at ashley because I see my mom at the bottom of the ferris wheel with my dad and brother.

"Girls we have to go."

We get off the ferris wheel and go to my family. And I cant look at ashley.

"Why mom. Is something wrong?"

"No I dont think so. Ask your father."


"No I just got a call from marcus and someones at the house waiting for us."

"Oh okay."

We all go to the car. The ride was really awkward. And when I would look at ashley she wouldn't look at me. But I swear she leaned in to hmm...

"We're home."

We go into the house. And theres this overwhelming dead scent.

"What is that?" Triston says.

"You can smell that?" My mom says.


"Oh my little boy is growing up."

"Mom shh."

I see someone and I chase them into the kitchen.

"Rena stop." My dad says

"What?" I see the person that was running from me.


"Marcus sent him here. He can throw off eric."

"Wait... your a vampire? When did this happen?"

"One question at a time sweetheart."


"And when did we start trusting vampires?"

"Since marcus said to."

"Seems like marcus is losing it."



"Anyway last time I saw you. You were human."

"Yeah and last time I saw you I thought you were human." He smirks

I blush alittle. Kaleb used to be my best friend from when I used to live in California. And I might have had a tiny crush on him. And I dont know why but I look back at ashley and she doesn't look happy.

Could it be shes jealous or just doesn't like him because hes a vampire?

"So if its alright with you Margaret and paul. Can I stay?"

"Of course your still family." My mom says.

"And marcus said you can be trusted. So its okay." My dad says.

Of course my dad follows everything marcus says.

Just then my brother comes in the room.

"Kaleb!" He hugs him.

"Hey bud." He hugs him back

"Ew is that you that stinks?"

We all laugh. And I look for ashley but shes not there anymore. oh alright.

I feel like marcus is hiding something. And im going to find out what. After I find ashley...

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